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Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on Today at 01:55:57 AM »
If you need encouragement, perhaps this saint will encourage you in your writing life:
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on September 17, 2024, 06:21:41 AM »
A painting, a poem, and some quotes on the Cross:
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: The Garden Thread that two people wanted
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on September 17, 2024, 05:03:11 AM »
If only Joro spiders ate lanternflies, they would be my new best friends.

You're in luck.  The internet tells me they do indeed eat them.   :tup3b
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: The Garden Thread that two people wanted
« Last post by LilyBLily on September 17, 2024, 04:24:14 AM »
If only Joro spiders ate lanternflies, they would be my new best friends. The West Virginia eastern panhandle seems infested with the lanternflies, which, oddly, I have encountered mostly at gas stations. (Praying mantises like parking lots, another "huh?")

It took me a while to identify the lanternflies. I saw them several weeks ago on a tree of heaven on my neighbor's property; they were clustered together so tightly around the base of the trunk that they almost made a garment. They're a boring tan color with dots unless their wings spread, and then you see the red. I alerted my neighbor, who cut down the tree and burned it. Lanternflies damage crops, especially grapes and apples. Virginia, nearby, has many vineyards. My part of West Virginia has many apple and peach orchards.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: The Garden Thread that two people wanted
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on September 16, 2024, 02:03:25 PM »
Quick Joro spider update for those who are interested in how this new species is adapting to North America...

There's one fully mature female who has been mature for at least a couple of weeks now.  The rest of the spiders are all juveniles, though a few of the juveniles are getting big and should be fully mature before long.

A few males have appeared in the webs, but only a few.  The mature female has a single suitor, and there are a couple of juvenile females who each have a single suitor.

I had my first physical run-in with a web today (which inspired this post).  I walked out the back door, and the top of my head was brushed by a silk strand.  There was a new web right above the door, and one of the anchor lines was low enough to catch my hair.  Obviously, the web had to come down.  The spider retreated to the eave as I destroyed its home and will, I assume, build a new web in a different location.  These things are very good at learning their lessons: when their webs are destroyed, they don't rebuild in the same place.  They move, even if it's just by a foot or so.

The Joros are very good at doing spider stuff.  Their webs are full of trophies, and I often see one actively eating on a fly or some other thing.  They are the most prolific spider species around, outnumbering all other spiders combined.

No hummingbirds have yet been caught in the webs.  This was a concern voiced by many people, but so far, it hasn't borne out, at least not in my backyard.

Joros have been spotted in Maryland and Pennsylvania in recent weeks.  Check out the map and click on a county for more details:

Interestingly, the southern/eastern end of their range is currently at about the Fall Line.  I wonder if this will hold or if they just haven't ventured further south yet.  For those who aren't familiar with the ecosystem of this region, the Fall Line is a topographical and geological boundary, and some species only live on one side of it or the other.

If the Joros turn out to be a north-of-the-Fall-Line species, then that bodes well for any competing spider species down on the plain.
Payhip has a website option, and I believe you can link a domain to it.  They have integration with BookFunnel and they take care of UK and EU VAT.  (Not all European countries are covered, but they'll list which ones.)

As for US state sales tax, they do not take care of that (like LS or 4th wall), but they do have a tax option that I need to investigate further.  I believe they'll keep track of it, but we have to pay it.

Since I'm getting a lot more free downloads than paid ebook sales, I'm not too concerned at the moment.  If I decide to use BookVault direct integration, that will make a difference.  Or I may just sell a few signed paperbacks or hardcovers through 4th wall. 

Merchandise and tips are on 4th wall and they have a membership option.  (So does Payhip), but I prefer someone else tracking and paying taxes as much as possible.  :angel:

ETA: I'm not really taking advantage of any membership options at the moment since I'm using Substack, but I may turn that more into a free newsletter and try posting WIPs on a membership.

Also a few links that might help. 
Payhip Store Builder
And Payhip - Switching Themes
Hmm... I see many writers are still going with payhip. But payhip doesn't provide the webpage like Lemon Squeezy and Fourthwall. Why won't Lemon Squeezy and Fourthwall just work with Bookfunnel? That really is all that's keeping me from moving forward.

Are you able to deal with the tax problems with payhip now?
A quick update.  I had an author takeover party in a Facebook group (which was great!) but I really need to integrate with BookFunnel.

So...yesterday, I went back to Payhip with the ebooks and turned Fourthwall into a gift shop.  We'll see how it goes, but so far I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Just in time for Halloween shoppers!  :catrun
Editors & Proofreaders [Public] / Proofreading - now booking for October
« Last post by Alexa on September 15, 2024, 04:14:11 AM »
I have three open slots in October!
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Keyword feedback for a legal thriller?
« Last post by Gregg Bell on September 13, 2024, 05:06:38 AM »
Thanks a lot, Timothy. I was just gathering information from all over. Yeah, it was a KDP Help guy. Super nice. Maybe I heard him wrong or melded what I'd heard from somewhere else with him though. I came across this helpful Kindlepreneur video that is pretty current and I'll do some tweaking of the keywords but what I had (sans the p word) is at least in the right ballpark. And yeah, Kindledprenuer for the most part is for filling the boxes, most of them anyway. Appreciate the help.
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