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Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: The Garden Thread that two people wanted
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on June 02, 2024, 04:31:05 AM »
Quick update on my experiment with wild blackberries.

The berries form from the center of the dead flowers, so you get at most one berry per flower.  Most of those berries aren't panning out, though.  I think the plant doesn't get enough sun.  Only a few of the berries are growing to anywhere near full size.  Some are still green, most are red, and a couple have already turned black and will be ready to be picked very soon.

Some pics:

Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on June 01, 2024, 01:17:01 PM »
Remember dial-up internet? Of course, device sharing wasn't an issue because it wasn't possible, at least not that I recall.

Back in the day, some friends of mine used to play "deathmatch" Doom against each other on 386 and 486 PCs hooked together with a serial cable.  That was when the fastest modem was the 14.4, so using the cable with two computers in the same room made a lot of sense. 

That was also my first exposure to "violent" video games that the scolds and old fogies would later blame for all sorts of social ills.  For the record, I preferred to play those FPS games with the "extra gore" option enabled whenever it was available.   :icon_mrgreen:
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on June 01, 2024, 03:21:54 AM »
I hadn't thought about that, I suppose because I didn't have one. But during the time that I had dialup, I really only had one device, anyway.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Post-Crisis D on June 01, 2024, 12:34:57 AM »
Remember dial-up internet? Of course, device sharing wasn't an issue because it wasn't possible, at least not that I recall.

I had a LAN modem, which allowed dial-up Internet to be shared across the network.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Lynn on June 01, 2024, 12:14:09 AM »
I had to have two phone lines back in the dial up days. I remember being so happy when I started getting a consistent 28.8k speed.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by TimothyEllis on May 31, 2024, 11:56:44 PM »
Remember dial-up internet? Of course, device sharing wasn't an issue because it wasn't possible, at least not that I recall.

Actually, it was. To an extent.

I was running a Fidonet BBS and a fax machine off a single phone line back in the 9600 days.

You needed a splitter box which could detect which signal was coming in. But it worked nicely even with voice and modem.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on May 31, 2024, 11:42:54 PM »
Remember dial-up internet? Of course, device sharing wasn't an issue because it wasn't possible, at least not that I recall.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Lynn on May 31, 2024, 10:03:46 AM »
Lol. Yes. I've noticed a great improvement already. But some things that you'd think would be faster are not that different. We average about 12 devices at a time using the router. With 15 MBPS it was not great. :D
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on May 31, 2024, 10:01:54 AM »
Hehe...cats are essential to this writer! Mostly they want to type their own stories. But it's been fun to type a short scene in the box and get a picture of a kitten. My fiction is still quite rusty...
Enjoyed your apple blossoms and the excerpt you posted.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on May 31, 2024, 09:23:45 AM »
Went from 15 MBPS on a DSL line to 1000 MBPS on fiber yesterday.

Nice.   :tup3b

I can finally stream video to two TVs, download game updates, and surf the internet at the same time without having to pause, buffer, and otherwise ration my bandwidth.

Just remember that you never get what they say you'll get.  They always find ways to throttle your bandwidth and otherwise shortchange you.  And, of course, Microsoft and other software companies are constantly using your bandwidth to provide you with updates and to spy on you.  So be careful about trying to do too much stuff at once.  You'll still have to ration your bandwidth, just not nearly as much as before.

I read a story once about a guy who had high-speed internet with hefty wireless routers, but he still complained about his wi-fi being slow.  Turns out he had over a hundred devices using his wi-fi.  Computers, television, tablets with streaming video for each adult and child, appliances, and so on.  That stuff all adds up faster than one might believe.

Having said all that, though, you'll definitely enjoy the difference in the upgrade.  It's like coming out into the sun for the first time after living your whole in a cave and being accustomed to only getting whatever little bits of ambient light manage to filter in.   :cool:
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