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Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Lorri Moulton on May 31, 2024, 04:37:11 AM »
Thank you, Vijaya. :)

My cats don't sit still long enough for that to work...but I like the idea!

Here's our blog post from yesterday.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on May 31, 2024, 03:03:43 AM »
Fiber is definitely an improvement. I especially like the improved upload speed. We think first of downloading and streaming, but it's nice to be able to upload a book manuscript at full speed. Now, it's done before I have time to think about it. On DSL, it was always way slower to upload than to download.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by TimothyEllis on May 30, 2024, 04:11:17 PM »
Now to get a UPS that I can hook up to the box so I keep internet when the power goes out.

I did that when I went back to a desktop PC. Took me a while to research out what power I needed, and then figure out which box delivered it.

Getting solar with a battery on your house is better, but you still need the UPS for the PC to keep it from switching off when the grid goes down. If the router is not near your PC without solar, you need a second UPS.

Just make sure you add up the power usage of each device (inc monitor) before you buy a UPS. And you want to make sure the use value is in hours, not minutes, for that power load.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Lynn on May 30, 2024, 03:46:54 PM »
The last time I talked to our telephone cooperative (who does the internet here), they were talking like it would take until late 2024 for my specific area to get fiber. But then we had a plea from them last year to fill out some survey so they could qualify for a grant, and I guess it worked. So I got lucky.

Now to get a UPS that I can hook up to the box so I keep internet when the power goes out.

Apparently, the landline will no longer work during power outages because the phone service is coming in through the fiber. I'd ditch it, but limited to no cellphone service here. It's been steadily getting better for about 10 years, but it's still spotty. Still, I used to not even be able to send text messages and now I can occasionally get a phone call on my cell phone that doesn't drop immediately. ;D

Of course, wi-fi calling is a thing now so that helps, but it sure won't help during a power outage unless I still have power to my fiber box and router.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by TimothyEllis on May 30, 2024, 03:39:04 PM »
Went from 15 MBPS on a DSL line to 1000 MBPS on fiber yesterday.


I'm on a top pay extra plan, and on a great day I get 270 mbps. And that is on cable.

One of our previous governments sabotaged the whole fibre roll out, and so only inner city get anything better. Plenty are still on DSL.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Finally got a broadband upgrade
« Last post by Lynn on May 30, 2024, 03:32:53 PM »
Went from 15 MBPS on a DSL line to 1000 MBPS on fiber yesterday. I've been waiting on them to get to my area with the fiber optic lines for more than three years. My parents live less than 5 miles away and they've had fiber for two years while I waited. This is life in rural America.

I can finally stream video to two TVs, download game updates, and surf the internet at the same time without having to pause, buffer, and otherwise ration my bandwidth. :)
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on May 30, 2024, 01:56:12 AM »
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on May 23, 2024, 07:38:32 AM »
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on May 21, 2024, 03:02:34 AM »
Oooh, so pretty!
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Lorri Moulton on May 18, 2024, 10:10:36 AM »
Pretty lilac photos and a really nice blueberry muffin recipe...
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