It's the talk (one of the talks?) Anderle gave at that conference that I'm referring to. He's espousing and enacting the motherlode of systems. He's talking that he and his team of 40 or so writers will be releasing 400 books into the store next year on top of the dozens already released in some kind of connected story universe. This is a team capable of leveraging a great amount of power through combined lists and resources. It's this kind of system, or factory, that I see as a major problem in self-publishing, but I guess KKR does not.
I can see where this might be daunting, but I see it 2 ways:
1. Anderle is acting as a publisher now, but with the difference he has a universe he built himself, and he's using other authors to populate it using a lot of the ideas he hasn't time to write himself. I wish I could do this. Too many ideas, not enough writing time.
2. All these authors would be writing pretty much the same books anyway.
Anderle could have gone the publisher route, and taken on all these authors as a publisher, in which case the same power to list would be happening. Instead, he's utilized them within his universe.
Even without the combined power of the lists, Anderle has been sitting at the top 5 of the author lists for sci-fi and fantasy for a long time now. And even without him, most of those books would be doing really well on their own.
And the big difference between him and others is the books he puts out are quality.
I also made the comment before, and I'll repeat it - Anderle can recommend this system as much as he wants, but there will be very very few people who can put what he built together. It needs a specific skill set, and he's the only one I've seen with it so far.
So while 20books advocates his system, I dont see it happening very much. And yes, I've attempted to build it myself, and failed. I dont have his skill set. I'm still working towards building something though. The books I'm working on now are the final parts to my core universe. After that, branching out with co-authors will be easier to do.
I dont see Anderle as a threat. He's helping a lot of people get started, by opening up his universe, and demanding high standards and work ethic. And in spite of the number of books coming out, none of them stop my books from peaking where they should be.
I have a problem with the mills turning out crap. But Anderle isn't one of them.