I had one of these in the US store a couple years back. I don't remember if it was a Daily Deal or a Monthly Deal. It moved a lot of copies but was discounted so steeply that I didn't see a big paycheck from it. They ran all the books in my entire series in the deal (except for one, which was permafree anyway), and that's why I didn't earn big from sell-through. That was kinda my own fault, because they offered spots for all the books and I accepted so eagerly that the question of sell-through didn't occur to me until it was too late.
If I had it to do over, I'd have given them just the first couple books and held the others back. But at the time, I was afraid they'd change their minds if I didn't tick the boxes for every book they wanted.
On the positive side, there was probably some trickle of sell-through to my other series over time, just too small a bump to clearly see. So it may have been worthwhile anyway. Or so I like to think.