Author Topic: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?  (Read 3166 times)


Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« on: January 13, 2019, 08:23:33 AM »
So, I've been trying to work with the new AMS system to get visibility. And I've noticed that my sponsor ads are starting to help me creep up the Sci-Fantasy one hour read category into the top 100 paid(At #48 when I wrote this). This is great! I've upped my CPC bids to hopefully get more sales to get me higher in the category. But it also made me want to take the plunge to try out Lockscreen Ads. You have to put in $100 min. to start them though. But hey, won't know until I try, right?

It's all set and and supposed to be running. But I'm not seeing any stats. I have noticed that you really have to up your CPC bids to get traction now for sponsored bids. But I remember when AMS all first started, you could use lower bids to get good results. I think that has changed now that they've gone full launch. But, I'm guessing, that since the Lockscreen Ads are new, the bidding might be able to be low to get it off the ground.

But hey, it could be that it takes a couple days to get the stats reporting in too.

How are people doing with Lockscreen Ads? Are they working for you? Are you seeing good results or is it "meh"?

Tom Wood

Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2019, 08:33:08 AM »
... How are people doing with Lockscreen Ads? Are they working for you? Are you seeing good results or is it "meh"?

You may already be aware, but the LS ads are a hot topic of discussion at Brian Meeks' Facebook Group:

It seems to run from hot to cold.

Edit: Removed annoying scroll!   :hehe
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 01:18:03 AM by Tom Wood »
The following users thanked this post: Tiffmeister


Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2019, 08:45:15 AM »
... How are people doing with Lockscreen Ads? Are they working for you? Are you seeing good results or is it "meh"?

You may already be aware, but the LS ads are a hot topic of discussion at Brian Meeks' Facebook Group:

It seems to run from hot to cold.

Speaking of hot, I've hit the magic number of posts and will bask in the evilness of it for a while.

Thanks Tom. I didn't know about this group yet. I just requested to join.


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Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2019, 04:23:02 PM »
How are people doing with Lockscreen Ads? Are they working for you? Are you seeing good results or is it "meh"?

They definitely work much slower than the sponsored products. The sponsored product ads are pretty much omnipresent whenever you're anywhere on the Amazon website, but the lockscreen ads only kick in when someone turns on or unlocks their Kindle, so impressions take longer to clock in. I started two about a week ago and now the impressions are up to around a thousand.

You may already be aware, but the LS ads are a hot topic of discussion at Brian Meeks' Facebook Group:

Is it possible to even join this group anymore? I thought it was just for people who paid for his book in advance.
The following users thanked this post: Tiffmeister

Tom Wood

Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2019, 08:21:40 PM »

You may already be aware, but the LS ads are a hot topic of discussion at Brian Meeks' Facebook Group:

Is it possible to even join this group anymore? I thought it was just for people who paid for his book in advance.

Like many closed Facebook Groups, you will be presented with some challenge questions when you apply to join. The 'correct' answers are usually obvious. Provide the 'correct' answers, and that will usually get you in. Whether or not the 'correct' answers are truthful in any given case is a separate issue. There have been rumors that 'some people' are less than forthcoming on the internets.  :hehe


Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2019, 12:25:44 AM »
There have been rumors that 'some people' are less than forthcoming on the internets.  :hehe

Good god!  Next you'll tell me Santa Claus isn't real.

Sorry, back to the topic...

Edit:  OP congrats on your good results and boosting your rank.


Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2019, 06:52:20 AM »
How are people doing with Lockscreen Ads? Are they working for you? Are you seeing good results or is it "meh"?

They definitely work much slower than the sponsored products. The sponsored product ads are pretty much omnipresent whenever you're anywhere on the Amazon website, but the lockscreen ads only kick in when someone turns on or unlocks their Kindle, so impressions take longer to clock in. I started two about a week ago and now the impressions are up to around a thousand.

Thank you. That did help some. I did have a question. What kind of bids are you starting off with for the ads? High or low?


Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2019, 09:39:23 AM »
I am. One difficulty for me is that technically Historical Fiction is not part of 'genre fiction' but I am running it there anyway. (Don't ask me why. It is kind of halfway between literary and genre, I suppose)

So I have had an LS ad running for a week. It has had 725 impressions and 8 clicks with no sales for a cost of $2.65. I'll let it keep running but I find it hard to believe it will be anything very worthwhile for me. As has been pointed out, not that many people see it so... *shrug*



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Re: Anyone trying out Lockscreen Ads for AMS?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2019, 10:10:25 AM »
Thank you. That did help some. I did have a question. What kind of bids are you starting off with for the ads? High or low?

I went with slightly higher than the range AMS recommended to see if I could get some more mileage out of them.