This might be weird. Feels weird, anyway.
I got an email today supposedly from Mailchimp (its email address was the sender, supposedly), saying that someone had requested their info be deleted from Mailchimp's servers. Apparently, this was not just an Unsubscribe request--although I can't be sure. Anyway, Mailchimp listed the person's email address and said that email address is on one or more of my lists in Mailchimp and I should delete it and GDPR and blah, blah, blah.
I don't have a paid Mailchimp account, so when I went to Mailchimp the safe way via opening a new window, I couldn't find any way to contact Mailchimp directly to ask, "Did you send me an email?" The email wasn't in my Notifications on the Mailchimp site.
There's no subscriber search button that I can see to find the subscriber in my list on Mailchimp of 1,595 names. After thinking about this a lot, I believe I could find the email address by exporting the list, making it part of a searchable numerical list in Word, using Find to find the email, then going back to Mailchimp and looking at that same entry on its list and then deleting the email address. Possibly I could do all this in Excel, but I don't know Excel very well.
1. Has anybody received this same email from Mailchimp?
2. Does my laborious work around make sense, or is there an easier way?
I've already looked at every email address on the list and not found it, but I don't want to trust my eyes alone.