Author Topic: Bookbub Ads  (Read 1163 times)


Bookbub Ads
« on: February 07, 2019, 09:50:07 AM »
What's your impression of them? What kind of success (or lack there of) have you had? What is your typical click per impression ratio? Better to use their image builder or craft your own unique image?

I've done one or two here and there without much movement on them, but I'm really ramping up a couple campaigns to spur some sales. I've had a little bit better success but was wondering what has worked for people.

(If it's of use, my books are YA fantasy and sci-fi{ish})


Re: Bookbub Ads
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 11:43:39 AM »
I've gotten better at using them, but I defer to others to lay out their cost/benefit ratios. Some tips:

  • If you get US clicks, you're doing well. (Per David Gaughran, anyway, but they've been historically very hard to come by for me so there's a grain of truth, I think.)
  • Definitely create your own ad image.
  • CPC over CPM, unless you're made of money in which case, buy BookBub and have your way with it.