I get good sales on Amazon UK, practically zero on Amazon US, and decided to go wide a few months back and...like people say, crickets. Evil as Amazon is, they seem to shift books, not least because they're practically ubiquitous.
However, I've done little promo with my book going through D2D. I considered going through Kobo direct, but then read supposed horror stories about people having to wait months to pull them back out again if they decided it wasn't worth it. Is that still the case? if it isn't, I might try and go direct and take advantage of some of the advantages people are talking about here.
Edit: I came across this article. It doesn't bode well. https://www.indiesunlimited.com/2016/05/08/book-promotion-through-kobo-writing-life/
Regarding the article, it starts out "Remember Kobo? They’re the Canadian eBook retailer..."
No, they are not Canadian and have been Japanese-owned since Rakuten acquired the company in January 2012. The author does not seem to be big on details. He doesn't even know who owns Kobo or what country it is from.
As far as the promotion he describes, he should have noticed that Kobo did not say they were promoting that. They just gave it space on their 'Free' page. Other promotions, the ones David referred to, they advertise. In my experience, the Free pages don't do that much. Kobo, unlike Amazon, is not all that enthusiastic about Free, free ebooks don't even appear on the Walmart site at all, and the free pages get no outside advertising. You MUST look at the description of the promotions because they are not all equal.
This was a promotion that did well for me:
Kobo is running a MAJOR price promotion for Black Friday & Cyber Monday in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The sale will be promoted via email to customers and through banners on the Kobo store in these territories. Note that they pushed it with emails and banners. Some also get in their twitter feed. That definitely, again as David mentioned, was slanted towards higher priced books with a deep discount so I ran my trilogy omnibus.
I have high hopes for this one:
Major Sale Alert! Kobo will be running a Holiday/Boxing Week sale from Dec 20-Jan 2 in all English-language territories (CA, US, UK, AU, NZ). This is the last BIG sale of the year and will be promoted by multiple emails to our customer base, as well as banners on our website.I have one novel in that one as well. This is why I don't do permafree though because I was able to get the first novel of my trilogy into it since I could price reduce it. I like that flexibility.
It pays to pay attention to the details and pick and choose your promotions carefully.
As far as perma free, I do better with doing a regular price on all my novels and then only doing free or 99 cents for Bookbub promotions, but that may be genre related. Horses for courses, as they say.
At the moment, Kobo is doing slightly better than Apple and substantially better than B&N for me. GP is not even worth mentioning. Amazon of course is still the big dog, but I think (emphasize think) that Kobo sales are gradually growing in the US. Rakuten has deep pockets, and Kobo does well in other markets, so they have time to build.