Author Topic: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works  (Read 14332 times)

Post-Crisis D

Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2018, 01:26:36 PM »
Just saw this, but Tronc is no more.  They changed their name back to Tribune Publishing on June 19, 2018.

More info here: "Tronc Finally Realizes It Has a Stupid Name"
« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 01:30:15 PM by Snowy Dan »
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2019, 04:49:16 AM »
I'm very disappointed in ProlificWorks right now.

Seconded. I'm doing the 30 day trial and pine for ONE download to justify the calories. It's not a morale booster when I literally can't give my stuff away, but IF/PW is my convenient scapegoat. (For the record, I had takers prior to giving their site a try.)



Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2019, 05:52:04 AM »
Running thriller/mystery promotions over the last two years, I used to see 10-15,000 downloads over 30-40 books in the promo. The last two got over 1,000 each.

I can see several reasons why.

It is possible that not forcing/requiring the down loader to sign up for a list is killing list building through them. They can argue with me til the cows come home but I can ask for money or an email address in exchange for my book - both have value. I'm not forcing somebody at gunpoint  to give me their money - or their email - they can decide for themselves. You want the book? Pay the damn author!

But IF/PW won't help to promote you if you require signups. I don't think they realize without the authors using their service - paying for it with money and their books for IF/PW to push - they won't have a service.

Part of it is a lack of new authors joining IF/PW. There were always new books to promote. Not so much now.

The other problem seems to be a lack of new subscribers to the IF/PW mailing list. Participants have told me they are not seeing a lot of new signups even when they offer a new book.

C. Gockel mentioned the name change could be confusing as well as trying to get people to use their app. Those are added factors adding up to a storm that may be stopping IF/PW from being viable as a list builder or a means to get visability

I joined Story Origins but I don't see any value in it at this point.

BF remains one of the better list builders/visibility aids out there w/o shelling out big bucks.


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #53 on: January 01, 2019, 06:34:38 AM »
Running thriller/mystery promotions over the last two years, I used to see 10-15,000 downloads over 30-40 books in the promo. The last two got over 1,000 each.

I can see several reasons why.

It is possible that not forcing/requiring the down loader to sign up for a list is killing list building through them. They can argue with me til the cows come home but I can ask for money or an email address in exchange for my book - both have value. I'm not forcing somebody at gunpoint  to give me their money - or their email - they can decide for themselves. You want the book? Pay the damn author!

But IF/PW won't help to promote you if you require signups. I don't think they realize without the authors using their service - paying for it with money and their books for IF/PW to push - they won't have a service.

Part of it is a lack of new authors joining IF/PW. There were always new books to promote. Not so much now.

The other problem seems to be a lack of new subscribers to the IF/PW mailing list. Participants have told me they are not seeing a lot of new signups even when they offer a new book.

C. Gockel mentioned the name change could be confusing as well as trying to get people to use their app. Those are added factors adding up to a storm that may be stopping IF/PW from being viable as a list builder or a means to get visability

I joined Story Origins but I don't see any value in it at this point.

BF remains one of the better list builders/visibility aids out there w/o shelling out big bucks.

I highlighted a couple points to avoid quote snipping-a-rama.

1. I don't require signups. I'm looking for effectiveness of the platform by any objective standard.
2. I've been seeing BF mentioned quite a bit but their site leaves me confused. Despite its "faults" IF/PW is intuitive, in that I can see what's available. BF seems like a walled garden which doesn't say "visibility" to me. Maybe I'm clicking the wrong links, etc.

Also: IF/PW does seem to be where free eBooks go to die. I was checking out some group giveaways and nearly everything was flagged as 0 claimed copies.


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #54 on: January 01, 2019, 07:47:50 AM »
Requiring sign-ups or not is a personal decision. People can argue about organic sign-ups vs forced sign-ups vs whatever - it's up to each author to decide what they want to do. And the reasoning can go anywhere from 'I just want people to read my book' to 'give me the money or your email in exchange for the book'.

A number of us used to do the promotions on our own websites, sending people who clicked on the book to Instafreebie to sign up and get the book. My take - IF/PW saw an opportunity to use their website as a platform for the promotions. I saw most people gravitate to IF without realizing it was a plan for IF/PW to actually siphon off our email lists. People who clicked through to get a book on the Instafreebie website based promotion could also sign up with Instafreebie to get more offers for free books sent to them. Basically everybody working on a promotion was driving eyeballs to the Instafreebie website and helping to build their internal list. It was fine as long as everyone benefited. That doesn't seem to be happening now.

Bookfunnel has stated very clearly they have no interest in our email subscribers. They offer the ability to do a promotion through their website but they don't require anybody to sign up with Bookfunnel. They offer a rock-solid way for authors to deliver a book to a reader/subscriber for a promotion or an ARC. And they offer a way to collect emails for you. I know they did try to promote the books like IF/PW does but I believe they had too many bots downloading books and it created a problem.

IF/PW does offer to help promote your books but you can't require an opt-in - Bookfunnel doesn't help.

Two different sites - two different focuses
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 10:44:01 AM by Eugene Lloyd MacRae »
The following users thanked this post: Joe Vasicek


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #55 on: January 01, 2019, 11:17:09 AM »
Got it.

I looked at the BF FAQ again and indeed, they're just a means to an end, namely to pass along a freebie or ARC. But I can serve up my stuff on my own site (and I do) and don't *really* need BF for that. I am indeed seeking visibility and to boost my reader base. I don't think BF is the answer for that, but then again, post-rebranding, IF/PW doesn't bowl me over that it's the right solution either.

Le sigh.


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #56 on: January 01, 2019, 11:58:30 AM »
Got it.

I looked at the BF FAQ again and indeed, they're just a means to an end, namely to pass along a freebie or ARC. But I can serve up my stuff on my own site (and I do) and don't *really* need BF for that. I am indeed seeking visibility and to boost my reader base. I don't think BF is the answer for that, but then again, post-rebranding, IF/PW doesn't bowl me over that it's the right solution either.

Le sigh.
Bookfunnel can boost your visibility & help you build a list if you join promotions. Are you on Bookfunnel now? Your books look like they would fit in with one of my promotions. If you have a basic account & a thriller book uploaded, I can send you a link that will allow you to join my next promo & collect some emails as a test on how it will work for you.
The following users thanked this post: OfficialEthanJ


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #57 on: January 01, 2019, 01:30:50 PM »
I am dead broke at the moment but can sign up this weekend. Thanks for including me! I will circle back when I am set up.


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #58 on: January 01, 2019, 02:28:18 PM »
I am dead broke at the moment but can sign up this weekend. Thanks for including me! I will circle back when I am set up.
Don’t do anything until I get back to you. If I remember correctly, I think I can generate a link that allows you to try Bookfunnel and join the promo at the same time. I just have to double-check that on my dashboard when I get back home in a couple of days. The promo won’t run until Jan 15 anyway.
The following users thanked this post: OfficialEthanJ


Re: Instafreebie is rebranding to Prolific Works
« Reply #59 on: January 02, 2019, 09:57:16 AM »
I am dead broke at the moment but can sign up this weekend. Thanks for including me! I will circle back when I am set up.

Sent you a link to try Bookfunnel for one month & collect emails.

The promotion link once you get set up is

Let me know if you have a problem. I also have one running on PW
« Last Edit: January 02, 2019, 10:08:14 AM by Eugene Lloyd MacRae »