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Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by Lorri Moulton on Today at 04:21:25 AM »
I live on the east side of Washington state, so we don't have access to the big fairs and events on the west side of the state. 

However, an author who lives over there does a lot of paperback sales at those events. Another travels around to fairs from the west side into Montana (and probably beyond) because he specializes in a certain type of fantasy and loves to "talk shop" with everyone.

Crowdfunding can be a great way to sell paperbacks...especially special editions. I don't write the type of books that do amazingly well there, but some fantasy authors are making tens of thousands in gross sales.  I don't know if they earn much of a profit after it's all done with the add-ons and extras, but it's worth taking a look if that's something that appeals.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on Today at 03:27:58 AM »
I haven't gone to a book fair, either. The people who do and have put in the effort to have quality books do seem to move copies. But obviously, people come to book fairs precisely to buy books, so it would be easier to see there than with a more random group.
I think I'm going to take a dive into staring a TikTok channel this week. I have two videos I can add--one is a trailer and the other chronicles an upcoming book cover. I can't add content regularly, but I can make a presence. I'm gonna take a look today...
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by alhawke on Today at 02:45:05 AM »
Hmm... I think I'll experiment with BookBub ads directed to paperbacks??. I get sales with BB ads with ebooks and audios. I have a feeling, though, it'll be a bit of a money pit. But it's a thought...

Book fairs and conventions are another topic I wouldn't mind hearing about. Never been to one.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by LilyBLily on December 01, 2024, 11:35:17 PM »
Sorry, but all the anecdotal evidence I have is that hand selling at fairs produces the most paperback fiction sales, unless you are an author with the kind of following that wants a fancy edition and autographing. At this time of year, perhaps ads pushing the paperbacks as gifts might move some.
I have no experience with TikTok, in part because I'm suspicious of their privacy practices. But I have read that so far, it seems to work better for attracting YA readers. Also, some of the successes on TikTok have come from someone else marketing the author's books. I gather that some TikTok channels are devoted to sharing books. But I've not seen any insight in how to attract the attention of a TikTok reviewer.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on December 01, 2024, 11:24:12 PM »
Paperback marketing is tricky because paperback buyers tend to be much more likely to prefer trad books to indie ones, at least in my experience. Advertising the book in other ways will probably cause a small number of paperback sales if someone comes along who is open to indie but prefers paperback. Most of my paperback sales are in my two titles that are closest to lit fic (because the lit fic crowd also seems to be more paper-oriented).

Last month, I did try including the paperbacks in one of my AMS ads (the one with the two lit ficish books). I saw a small increase, and the ACOS improved--but it still wasn't yielding a positive ROI, so I can't really recommend it.
You can create vid shorts/trailers. Others don't use pen names and have no problem holding up their book and talking to fans. I haven't used it because the only vids I've made are trailers. I put all my trailers on my YouTube channel--they're really too long for TikTok.
There are a few authors who do that, as I see them on Facebook as Reels.

I'm not sure it works unless what you're doing is quirky. Even then, I'm not sure it sells books.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Paperback marketing nowadays
« Last post by alhawke on December 01, 2024, 11:13:53 AM »
Just reaching out to see if anyone has any good strategies to market paperbacks nowadays. I seem to check every year or so and never get much advice on writer forums. Anyone found any methods to bring up paperback sales?

It's hard to run paperback discounts and promotions. Oddly, I've found audiobooks easier to market than paperbacks.

I've tried co-author paperback promotions with authors on Boookfunnel without much success.

'Tis the holiday season to sell paperbacks. Any strategies out there to sell more? If not, I'll keep doing my usual and focus mainly on ebooks.
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