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Phone Dialog

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R. C.:
A beta reader questioned something I have been using for years. Now, I think it might be incorrect.

When a character makes a phone call, should the responses from the person on the other end of the call be italicized? Like this?

“Hello, Marc speaking.”
“Hello Marc, it’s Detective Trimble.”
“You know your name comes up on my Caller ID.”
“Sorry, it’s an old habit from the Marines.”


I've never used italics, but I've seen a lot of Quora answers saying that's the way to do it.

As far as I'm concerned, it's just conversation. The fact it's over the phone, or text messages, or smoke signals doesn't make it any different to face to face conversation.

But plenty will disagree with me.

I don't italicize phone conversation. I just use quotes.

I italicize different languages or when wanting to push emphasis with some words.

Post-Crisis D:
I think you can just make it clear in the text that it's a phone conversation.

Something like:
Marc answered his phone.  “Hello, Marc speaking.”
“Hello Marc, it’s Detective Trimble,” said the voice on the other end.

From thereon, the reader knows the conversation is taking place on the phone.

The Bass Bagwhan:
I'm in the other camp. I always italicise with quotes ( as distinct from internal thought, which I italicise without quotes).
I think the italics are an important although subtle indicator or reminder that there is no face-to -face interaction — no expressions or body language, which makes it different to normal dialogue.
But in the end, it's a stylistic choice. Do what you want, nothing is "wrong". I'll say it's a common convention to italicise electronic dialogue (phone, radio, intercom ... even telepathy in sci-fi.)


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