Author Topic: Which comes first...?  (Read 669 times)


Which comes first...?
« on: December 03, 2021, 02:46:34 PM »
I'm about to launch a very small publishing company with a couple of books in a popular genre series and want to go wide for print and ebook. I think the best practice is to upload print to KDP first (don't check expanded distribution) and then upload to IngramSpark for print. But I read somewhere that you can get the bar code from IngramSpark and then insert it on the back cover of the KDP print book where you think it looks best. Anyone know about this or have advice? I'm dreading the five+ distributor uploads and versions for print and various covers ahead of me and trying to make as few time-consuming and messy mistakes as possible.


Re: Which comes first...?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 03:38:05 PM »
Don't bother with a bar code. Have your cover designer leave space for it; they know to do that, anyway. Ingram and KDP will insert barcodes. There is no value in getting arty about barcode placement, either. Those barcodes, as far as I know, will have your print ISBN on them, but not your cover price coded in. This is good because you may want to change the price and doing so won't mess up what may already be printed (such as if you get a bunch of author copies to sell at a convention or book fair) or set up at the printer for POD (Print on Demand).

As I understand it, the templates/specs for Ingram and KDP do vary slightly. If you know formatting or have a good formatter who can make sure the specs are right for each company, that should simplify things.

If you can reasonably foresee selling a lot of print books and very few ebooks, you can do the print book first, but most of us upload the ebook and the print files at more or less the same time. It's not a big deal and it might take ten minutes per site, especially if you gather together your metadata in advance so you're not staring at BISAC codes and wondering what categories to choose or what keywords, or worrying about writing the blurb or rewriting it for each sales venue, or not sure of what price to charge.

Granted, if you happen to be publishing, say, a dozen books on the same day, it's going to take you a little longer to upload them than it does for just one title. Get organized in advance and it'll be easy. Keep a record of what you choose on each site in the way of prices, keywords, and categories. You may want to change all three elements at some point in the future. In fact, you're sure to want to.

Good luck. Ask more questions if something is unclear.

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Re: Which comes first...?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2021, 03:26:17 PM »
Thanks! This is great. Good to know that the price is not on the bar code -- wondered about that. Organizing the whole mess for two books -- both print and ebook, one a pre-order -- is like herding cats. I'm trying out Vellum so hoping that formatting is demystified automatically. As I am publishing wide from the beginning and going direct (I have a Mac), this may take a whole bottle of wine. Looking forward to smoothing out all the wrinkles so the path is clear(er) for the subsequent books in the series.