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What are you reading now?

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Bill Hiatt:
Just as the movies and TV section has threads about what people are watching now, how about a thread for what people are reading now? Elsewhere on the forum, people are complaining about not being able to find anything to read. Sharing our experiences might help with this process.

I have to get to work on my WIP right now, but I'll be back when I can to get the ball rolling if no one else has.

Not reading anything at the moment, but last read was the Nathan Lowell Martha Collins trilogy, which is a sequel in his Solar Clipper universe.

Lowell is the master of life in space Space Opera, without the high stakes of most SO.

Anyone who hasn't read him and does read SO, should start with Quarter Share, in the original 6 books series.

Just finished P.D. James' The Private Patient - a good and complex murder mystery featuring poet/detective Adam Dalgliesh but w/just a bit too much of the Brits' customary green-and-pleasant-land detailing.  That's why I prefer the BBC's Bertie Carvel's Dalgliesh - a more dynamic story and more curious character.

Mark Gardner:
I'm 2/3 the way through Marko Kloos' Frontlines series. The first book really drew me in--the descriptions of basic training are pretty accurate, and if Marko didn't do Navy basic himself, he knows/interviewed someone who did.

Bill, thanks for starting this thread.

I'm in the middle of Mind Over Antimatter by Rose Green (middle grade sci-fi) and loving it because of the very real family/school environment.
I just finished Pride's Children, Book 1 and Book 2, by Alicia Butcher Erhardt and really loved them. Not my usual genre either. Will have to wait for Book 3. Sigh. It's not a serial, but one story in 3 parts.
Before that, Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. Loved it. Actually I've loved everything he's written. I read a lot of Indian Drs :)
Getting ready to dive into One Summer in Savannah by Terah Shelton Harris.

Happy reading, all.


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