I'm conflicted. May 1 could be better--last I heard the prediction from NY was that it would peak in 21 days. On the other hand, it's possible other areas will get worse. I haven't found any statistics yet today, but California's case count has been doubling every three or four days, and some were worried it would surpass NY as the viral epicenter. Here and elsewhere, much depends on how effective the attempts to mitigate the spread have been. That can't really be judged until they're at least two weeks old. If the curve generally starts to flatten, that's a good sign. If the increase rate on the whole keeps escalating, not so much.
On the other hand, a lot of people are still working and/or will be making about their regular salary when the new, improved unemployment kicks in. A lot of them may be looking for escape. For at least the ardent readers, books will be their escape of choice. And some of those may be ardent fans of yours, eagerly awaiting your next book. (I'm sure all three of mine are awaiting my next book.

It's hard to predict how people will respond to a situation many countries haven't experienced in our lifetime. The weird let's-take-a-vacation response we see from a lot of people is a good example. It never would have occurred to me that people would do that. Will readers start buying books again, even in uncertain times? It's hard to say. Maybe.