Author Topic: Silly Spammers  (Read 29897 times)

Post-Crisis D

Re: Silly Spammers
« Reply #150 on: May 17, 2024, 05:06:47 AM »
Today's spam was . . .

"Order ASAP for Price Month!"
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


Re: Silly Spammers
« Reply #151 on: May 17, 2024, 05:21:23 AM »
This week I got a request from somebody in Estonia (I think that's the "es" ending) through PayPal for some big dollar amount. Then another email saying it had been canceled--although the body of the email said I had paid them.

I went to the real PayPal and changed my password. PayPal said there had been "unusual activity" and wanted a little more verification than usual, which I gave. No money was paid out.

I did not know one could request money from someone via PayPal. I assume I have to okay a payment request after it is made. It does seem like a dangerous possibility if the hackers figure out a way to bypass my manually okaying the payment.

Post-Crisis D

Re: Silly Spammers
« Reply #152 on: May 17, 2024, 05:28:47 AM »
You can request money or send an invoice to someone via PayPal.  I don't know what happens if you decline to pay.  Maybe there's an option to decline or report it as an error or fake?  I think I might have gotten one once, but I'm not sure.  The ones I do remember getting are all fake.  They get sent by eMail and they hope you click their links because if you go to PayPal directly and login, you will find no invoice there.
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


Re: Silly Spammers
« Reply #153 on: May 17, 2024, 09:26:50 AM »
Today's spam was . . .

"Order ASAP for Price Month!"

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.” – Thomas Sowell

"The State is an institution run by gangs of murderers, plunderers and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, sycophants, crooks, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes and useful idiots—an institution that dirties and taints everything it touches.” - Hans Hoppe

"Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience." - Adam Smith

Nothing that requires the labor of others is a basic human right.

I keep a stiff upper lip and shoot from the hip. - AC/DC

Post-Crisis D

Re: Silly Spammers
« Reply #154 on: June 18, 2024, 10:03:02 AM »
Bots be stupid.

Had a spam comment on my blog today.  On an older post.  This spam message said how useful they found the post on gaming to be and so on.

Except the post had nothing to do with gaming.

Neither does the blog.

Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"