Wow, all those kitchen pictures are beautiful. When I'm writing scenery descriptions, it's usually industrial things like the boiler room of an airship or how cramped it feels inside the submersible. Maybe I should switch from steampunk to something with more of these beautiful mansions. Or go remodel a house in The Sims.
Today's scene was actually inside a bloody temple. Human sacrifice, of course. I'm trying to ramp up this ending to make it big. I always want to rush to end things because I'm just ready to be done, but then it's not dramatic enough, so I gotta drag things out. Which leads to procrastination. But today was 3964 words.
For my carpal tunnel, I wear a wrist brace and do exercises which were all recommended by my physical therapist. Also set a timer to take breaks instead of one long writing session. But there's only so much I can push, especially since I'm still recovering from all the heavy lifting of the move. I'm not supposed to lift more than 20-30 pounds even with both hands, but of course I did more than that when moving.