I ended up writing 2,430 words yesterday which gave me a decent three-day total of 5,475 words which still doesn't beat my best ever (that I know of) three-day total which is mentioned earlier in this thread and I think is in the neighborhood of 6k-7k. (I really need to write that down somewhere.)
So, for the monthly summary, in January I wrote 34,500 words and had an average daily word count of 1,112.90. In February, I ended up writing 40,030 words and had an average daily word count of 1,429.64.
My worst day was when I wrote 620 words and the best day was when I hit 3,270 words.
I also try not to duplicate daily word counts in a given month. Don't remember when I started that.
For comparison's sake, when I first started participating in this thread, my first day's word count was 75 words (worst day was 22 words) and I averaged 322.65 words per day that first month (October 2018) and my total word count for the month was 10,002 words which felt like a lot back then. LOL.
So, thanks again to Lorri for (re)starting this thread over here.