I hate to be unkind, but is the top ship a mash-up of the 1978 and 2003 versions of Battlestar Galactica?
Mashup, no.
A deliberate usage of the core idea behind it, as detailed in my books.
It started as a modular exploration ship, inspired by BSG science fiction. The 5 main sections are detachable in case of catastrophic event. It's actually an excellent design for early on space exploration where the ship has no backup, and anything might go wrong in any part of the ship. All explained in the books.
I've already used a more advanced version of the shape in an earlier book from over a year ago, without comment from anyone. If it was going to be a problem, it should have been back then. I used three of them on the CAG cover.
The whole thing is pure homage, and while BSG is not named anywhere, the homage part is. The original description goes back to my first series, so 8 years ago now.
But I do a lot of homage references across all my books, some obvious, others not. So those who picked it would know what it was to me.