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I must get this notice a couple times a month.  Can't tell if it's timed to match orders or not but it doesn't seem to match up, though I don't receive them in times when I haven't ordered anything so there is some connection.

I guess it is Amazon's weird way of trying to get people to review stuff.

But, the answer is no, I don't wonder if my reviews are getting noticed.  I don't care.  I don't think I've reviewed anything since 1990-something, so that should be a hint to their algorithms that I don't care.  Seriously, what do I care if they get noticed?  It's not like a get a commission if I write a review and someone buys that product because of my review.  That'd require a disclaimer anyway.

Amazon also encourages me to leave a video review.  Yeah, no.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / New Feature--or did I just miss it before?
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on January 22, 2025, 07:01:53 AM »
After purchasing a book, I got an offer to subscribe to the series, so that each new title would be delivered automatically.

Amazon has long had "subscribe and save" program for consumable products, but this is the first indicator I've seen of such a thing being done for books. It seems as if it would boost series sales.

I've also seen a next-in-series box just now on a post-sale page inviting me to preorder the next book. I don't recall ever seeing that exactly, either. Both of these take the place of the follow-the-author box.

What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Bookshelf HyperLinks?
« Last post by R. C. on January 14, 2025, 02:37:55 AM »
Is anyone else experiencing issues with the hyperlinks on the KDP Bookshelf?

Specifically, "View on Amazon" links return a null, and "Book in" forces a login and returns garbage. 

16-JAN - SOLVED (Maybe)

[ The page does not function correctly when I set my DNS to and

Reverting Windows 11 to Automatic (DHCP) allows the page to function correctly.

I guess 'Zon doesn't like the speedier Google DNS server... ]

The issue returned this morning. I disabled NordVPN and the links now work.  I will try other solutions because I do not want to give up my VPN.

After too many hours of diagnostic effort, the problem is the "Threat Protection Pro" changes in the recent NordVPN update.

Reverting to the options to "off" - as they were before the update - corrects the link problem within the 'Zon Bookshelf.

The new question is: What is wrong with the 'Zon Bookshelf that prevents it from functioning correctly under tight security protection>?

What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Can't add new book to Author Central??
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on December 05, 2024, 11:21:47 PM »
Black Friday and adjacent days are probably heavy traffic days, and I also think Amazon may be reworking some systems (though I don't for sure yet). So yes, I would think holiday glitch if anything is slower than usual.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Can't add new book to Author Central??
« Last post by TimothyEllis on December 05, 2024, 03:12:17 PM »
Mine appear there automatically.

Pre-orders might make a difference, but I've not had to manually add a book to AC in a long time.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Can't add new book to Author Central??
« Last post by skeletor on December 05, 2024, 02:33:19 PM »
OK, update!

VERY sorry to have clogged up the forum with this thread. However, having just tried again for the umpteenth time, the books are JUST NOW showing on my Author Central list.

I suppose this might've been a holiday-related glitch? It is a busy time of year...

Anyhow, perhaps it was a false alarm on my part. Apologies!
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Can't add new book to Author Central??
« Last post by skeletor on December 05, 2024, 02:26:36 PM »
Curious if this is just me, or if this is indicative of a bigger problem.

Just released a new book back in late November (the 23rd). Went into my Author Central account, added it the usual way. Says that the new book should appear on my author profile within 5 business days. Awesome!

Well, it's about the 5th of December and still nothing.

I've gone in and attempted to re-add it multiple times, and each time I get the same song and dance. "You book's been added successfully--give it up to 5 business days!" Even so, when I scroll down my list of titles, it isn't listed on Author Central. Once upon a time, there used to be a pending message for newly-added books, if I recall correctly.

I don't know if this is a larger issue with Author Central, or if I've hit some Thanksgiving/holiday season delay. Kind of miffed, because I want Amazon to email my followers about it!
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Amazon Follower numbers now available!
« Last post by TimothyEllis on December 05, 2024, 02:17:31 PM »
I had a push notification on my phone app within hours of my last book releasing.

I've only ever bought 1 of my books, when I had it set to free, but apparently that's enough to get notified about a new release.

They do still send out emails, but it's pretty flaky. Sometimes you get them and sometimes you don't.

I think the push notification off the app is a better idea.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Amazon Follower numbers now available!
« Last post by skeletor on December 05, 2024, 02:12:23 PM »
Do we have any rough idea of when Amazon pings our followers following a new release? I think the site said within 60 days, but that's a huge window. Is there an average in your experience? Any method to when those emails get sent?
Skeptical as I am about AI, if a company is going to implement it, it ought to at least be implemented well. Giving people a more or less useless tool isn't the answer to anything.

Never forget the unbridled power of free.

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