Author Topic: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?  (Read 339 times)

Gregg Bell

If I publish the paperback first (What I'm thinking of doing is to publish the paperback first, get some reviews there so when the ebook is published I can get good ads.) and give ebook ARCS to my ARC people, and they post their reviews on the paperback, when the ebook gets published, will the reviews from the paperback transfer to the ebook? If so, will they transfer automatically?


Amazon will transfer the review automatically to the ebook after the paperback and ebook gets linked. But good luck getting readers to review the paperback even if you suggest they do. Most always seem to think it's strange because they get hung up on it being reviewed under the book instead of the ebook.
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Gregg Bell

Amazon will transfer the review automatically to the ebook after the paperback and ebook gets linked. But good luck getting readers to review the paperback even if you suggest they do. Most always seem to think it's strange because they get hung up on it being reviewed under the book instead of the ebook.

Ok. Thanks A.L. Maybe I'll threaten them with bodily harm if they don't post there.


Amazon will transfer the review automatically to the ebook after the paperback and ebook gets linked. But good luck getting readers to review the paperback even if you suggest they do. Most always seem to think it's strange because they get hung up on it being reviewed under the book instead of the ebook.

Ok. Thanks A.L. Maybe I'll threaten them with bodily harm if they don't post there.

For what it's worth, my ARC readers don't seem to care. I've never had a single one even mention it to me.

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Gregg Bell

Good because I wasn't comfortable threatening them!
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The Bass Bagwhan

Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2025, 05:29:24 PM »
I'm not sure your strategy is sound. Heaps of people who may be tempted to buy the book will balk at the lack of an eBook version. Yes, some people love paperbacks and the tactile experience, but others will want the instant gratification of the eBook appearing in their Kindle library immediately.
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Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2025, 11:32:10 PM »
You do the PR when you release the ebook, not when you release the print book.

However, in my experience, my ARC readers were confused and did not post reviews to the print book. Plus, having released the print book first, I was obligated to mail two print copies to the copyright office. When I release the ebook first, the copyright office accepts electronic files. It's not a big deal or a big extra expense, but it does add to the long list of tasks surrounding a launch.
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Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2025, 02:55:01 AM »
However, in my experience, my ARC readers were confused and did not post reviews to the print book.
Yep. I've only been able to convince a few readers. They don't get it and they don't get the value in early reviews for a launch.
I'm not sure your strategy is sound. Heaps of people who may be tempted to buy the book will balk at the lack of an eBook version.
The paperback won't be very visible anyway, in most cases, until the ebook comes out due to lackluster sales. The idea here is really all about getting reviews on the ebook at the book's launch. Though I'd love paperback sales, most of my biz is ebooks & audio.
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Gregg Bell

Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2025, 05:09:03 AM »
Like Anarchist, I've never had a problem getting the ARC reviewers to post to the paperback. I just explain it explicitly in the accompanying email with the ARC.

I consider the paperback an invisible release. I know it's not invisible but with no mention to the newsletter or ads or promos, I don't see hardly anybody seeing it. The tiny few that do see it can buy the paperback or wait for the ebook or I might lose the sale. Whatever sales I'd lose would be insignificant.

What do you guys think about doing the same with Goodreads? Another invisible release I mean. Just upload the paperback version of the book to GR but put nothing on my GR profile announcing the release. (Of course when the ebook is released, then I'll add the ebook to GR and announce the release on my profile.) That way the ARC reviewers can post to the paperback on Zon and on GR.


Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2025, 05:49:47 AM »
You don't have to do it for Goodreads. Readers can review upcoming ebooks there before the book is published.
The following users thanked this post: Gregg Bell

Gregg Bell

Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2025, 05:52:21 AM »
You don't have to do it for Goodreads. Readers can review upcoming ebooks there before the book is published.

Wow. Did not know that. Thanks. Still considering this:

and that I don't have a scheduled publication date it might be easier to just add the paperback and let people post there. Then link the paperback to the ebook.


Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2025, 09:56:16 AM »
Yep. I do this all the time to have early reviews while my ebook is on preorder.
The following users thanked this post: Gregg Bell


Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2025, 10:02:26 AM »
You don't have to do it for Goodreads. Readers can review upcoming ebooks there before the book is published.
Still considering this:

Hmm, I could be wrong there about Goodreads. It could be that since I nearly always publish my paperback first, my book would be up way before my ebook every time. You really don't have to worry about Goodreads though. Lately, my paperback pops up automatically within a couple days. So if you publish your paperback, it should show up on Goodreads automatically and work universally for later ebook reviews.
The following users thanked this post: Gregg Bell

Gregg Bell

Re: If the paperback is published first, do its reviews transfer to the ebook?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2025, 09:58:27 AM »
So if you publish your paperback, it should show up on Goodreads automatically...

Did not know that either. That makes it easy. Thanks.