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Editors & Proofreaders [Public] / Proofreading - now booking for October
« Last post by Alexa on Today at 04:14:11 AM »
I have three open slots in October!
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Keyword feedback for a legal thriller?
« Last post by Gregg Bell on September 13, 2024, 05:06:38 AM »
Thanks a lot, Timothy. I was just gathering information from all over. Yeah, it was a KDP Help guy. Super nice. Maybe I heard him wrong or melded what I'd heard from somewhere else with him though. I came across this helpful Kindlepreneur video that is pretty current and I'll do some tweaking of the keywords but what I had (sans the p word) is at least in the right ballpark. And yeah, Kindledprenuer for the most part is for filling the boxes, most of them anyway. Appreciate the help.
In recent years NaNo has spent a lot of money and effort on young people's programs. I've never understood why, since the majority users of NaNo are always young people anyway. It's mostly teenagers writing fantasy. I applaud those efforts. If NaNo had existed when I was that age, by my twenties I would have been a legit novelist. And I would have had a long traditional publishing career as an author writing one book a year. Now I'm trying to make up for lost time.
The NaNo stuff could be its own thread. There's been so much controversy since like 2022... I think it's time for a new organization to step in and the old one to be dissolved.

My question would be why does there even need to be an organization?

I've never really understood that either.
The NaNo stuff could be its own thread. There's been so much controversy since like 2022... I think it's time for a new organization to step in and the old one to be dissolved.

My question would be why does there even need to be an organization?
Bot Discussion Public / Re: Tim Boucher interview defending his use of AI to create works
« Last post by Matthew on September 13, 2024, 12:10:18 AM »
The NaNo stuff could be its own thread. There's been so much controversy since like 2022... I think it's time for a new organization to step in and the old one to be dissolved.
The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) organization

I thought their entire aim was getting people to write?

For an organization like that to support AI is just wrong.

That could badly backfire on them.

There's been a lot of negative chatter about this foolish statement, and some high-profile people have withdrawn from NaNoWriMo. On the NaNo site there is no public statement to members about this issue. The latest communication from NaNo admin to members was in April. As a longtime member, I still intend to use NaNo to help me focus on writing 50k words in November, but the forums in which we talk and encourage each other are still frozen. Those forums were shut in mid-November last year. If the board doesn't reopen them by October, its traditional wipe month, NaNoWriMo is dead--whether that is publicly admitted or not.

As for AI content, NaNoWriMo "wins" are all on one's honor. Word count is self-reported. At one time we had to copy and paste our ms., but no longer. Nobody looks at the content, only the word count. If AI content is allowed, some bright people will "win" on November 1. Some always do, anyway, claiming that they type really fast. It never has mattered. It's not a contest. The real issue for me is the forums. If we can't talk to each other, there's no NaNo.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: Tim Boucher interview defending his use of AI to create works
« Last post by PJ Post on September 12, 2024, 11:18:52 PM »
Which brings us back to the question of how much the human author contributed.

If the user is prompting the AI to achieve specific results, then 100%. If the user is throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks...then probably less.

The ironic thing is that bespoke books and movies are almost here - music generation already is.
The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) organization

I thought their entire aim was getting people to write?

For an organization like that to support AI is just wrong.

That could badly backfire on them.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Keyword feedback for a legal thriller?
« Last post by TimothyEllis on September 12, 2024, 12:26:10 PM »
Despite what the KDP rep said?

Is this a real rep, or just KDP Help?

No-one in KDP Help, even when you get a real person, has any real clue about anything.

I've never heard of 3 words per field before, or been dinged about it. It's either very very new (as in the last 2 weeks), or the person who's telling you that is clueless.

Other than the p word you shouldn't be using, that image looked good to me.
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