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What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by alhawke on October 06, 2024, 01:56:34 AM »
I already have my suspicions. I'm waiting to gain access back to book info. Right now it's locked. I'm planning on just deleting all words that could be construed as sexual when I gain access back to KDP--probably will just do it anyway for fear of it returning back whenever I update the book, even if customer service can delete the category.

We had a thread about keywords. You can see how focused I get on keywords, I have no idea what I entered. But here's another area we need to be careful about there.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by TimothyEllis on October 06, 2024, 01:51:57 AM »
That's the danger Romance novels always have.

It only takes the wrong keyword, and you get dungeoned. Presumably one of them triggered a bot, or something in the blurb triggered it.

So maybe post the blurb in the blurb private area, so those who know can check it for bad choices.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by alhawke on October 06, 2024, 01:42:08 AM »
Well, I figured it out the delay... sort of. The book's been catalogued as Fantasy Erotica. Why? Who knows.

I emailed them to see what's going on and to change the category to avoid reader dissatisfaction--readers expecting erotica are sure going to be disappointed. Irony is, this book has the lowest heat levels of all my books in series.

I can't rummage through my keywords again because, for some reason, the book is still in "updating"  :HB

We talk of AI all the time. Ever notice how we're already at the mercy of computer bots in the largest ebook selling retailer in the world?
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: How do you guys use KDP Select free days?
« Last post by Hopscotch on October 05, 2024, 11:45:58 PM »
...The title of the book makes me think satire...[but] the categories (military thriller, war fiction, war and military action fiction) don't fit that impression...

5 day freebie experiment done.  Was fun.  Grabs and follow-ons few.  Cats may look askew (per Bill's comment) bc young / enlistment-age / avid readers of milfic are my target.  But I must rethink cats, and thank you.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Hurricane Helene
« Last post by LilyBLily on October 05, 2024, 11:20:02 PM »
I love Dolly. She's done so much for her old stomping grounds and for children in particular. I drove through Pigeon Forge when it was just a dot on a map outside Gatlinburg and since then she's turned it into a destination. People now have jobs, free books, and hope. Nice going, Dolly.
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: Hurricane Helene
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on October 05, 2024, 02:37:10 PM »
Death toll is now over 200.   :icon_sad:

Mark Huneycutt takes a walk around Chimney Rock and talks to some locals:

Dolly chimes in and chips in:

What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by LilyBLily on October 05, 2024, 03:46:48 AM »
I put up a book for pre-order with only the cover and no ms., and Amazon confirmed it within about three hours. Neither slow nor fast.

Of late, the confirmations of buying a book have arrived fairly late, even when the book itself loaded on my Kindle promptly.

I think this calls for a  :shrug
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by alhawke on October 05, 2024, 12:33:07 AM »
Well, it's up. The ASIN was created an hour after I emailed them, but I haven't heard from them yet. I'm guessing it's because it's a long preorder. Maybe Amazon puts these at the end of the queue with later release dates? That'd make sense too.

Anyway, I'm thrilled it's up. Thanks for your help!
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by TimothyEllis on October 04, 2024, 03:35:19 PM »
First in series always take longer.

But not that long usually.

But I've noticed the pre-order lock down gap got a little longer a while ago as well.

My guess is Amazon are playing around with more extensive tests of what gets uploaded, and some of them are taking too long.

It's also possible so many people are answering no to AI, but the submission is obviously AI, that Amazon has had to up it's detection abilities, and that is slowing things down.
What are Amazon doing now? [Public] / Re: Publishing delay with Amazon ebooks
« Last post by writeway on October 04, 2024, 03:26:37 PM »
This happens sometimes, it's normal. It's been times when my books took a day and a half to come up. That's why they say it can take up to 72 hours. No need in contacting Amazon because they can't do anything about it. Once it's in the system all you can do is wait. The most they can tell you is if it's a glitch but they can't manually move it along.

I do preorders all the time but I don't do placeholders. I only put my books up when they are finished.
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