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Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Young people's "shrinking attention span"
« Last post by Writer on December 31, 2024, 10:18:56 AM »
The young people I know still very much enjoy stories, they're just consuming them differently, by audio and podcast series. I would assume listening to fiction and non-fiction activates the mind similarly to reading a book. Since people have had TV and comic books for a long time, I don't view alternate methods of story-telling as a threat to writers, even if it forces us to evolve our methods or change mediums. Since ancient times, people have found ways to tell tales.

I also know a lot of young people who still enjoy print books. They want hard covers with beautiful artwork they can display on their shelves and share with friends. Ideally, with a large fandom on Youtube, where they can watch other readers speculating about the characters and storylines, and can feel like part of a community centered around their favorite author or series.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Which one works best?
« Last post by Lynn on December 30, 2024, 07:27:42 AM »
This is late but I'd say the ads aren't that comparable.

The first ad probably gets more clicks because it's easier to read the tag line and has a really nice contrast. (The tag line isn't in italics and the words are larger on the background.)

The other two don't have that going for them.

I like the last one best for the words, but the first one is more visually appealing to me.

If there were no italics on the third one, it might be more appealing. But the library feel of the first is pretty nice, so maybe not. :)
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Which one works best?
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on December 30, 2024, 01:48:57 AM »
#3 for me.

Thanks. I'm still practising using BookBrush.
Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: How to add a sequel on KDP?
« Last post by Gregg Bell on December 29, 2024, 11:57:48 AM »
Thanks a lot, Timothy.  Grin
Sci-fi & Fantasy Newsletter Builder @ BookFunnel
Jan 16 - Feb 17

This is for all sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal EXCEPT erotica. No nekkid' man chests. All mailing list sizes are welcome, but only authors with share reps of 100+ may have more than THREE ebooks.

Editors & Proofreaders [Public] / Proofreading & copy editing - now booking for January
« Last post by Alexa on December 29, 2024, 02:41:44 AM »
I have two open slots in January!
Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: How to add a sequel on KDP?
« Last post by TimothyEllis on December 28, 2024, 12:30:42 PM »
Create series page is ONLY for creating a new series.

For sequels, you have to select an existing series name, select if a core or non-core book, and then check it gives it the correct book number before accepting it.

Whatever you were looking at, either it's worded badly or you misread it.

The only time you'd create a series on a book 2 is if you didn't do it with book 1. If book 1 was released as a stand alone, you'd need to create the series with book 2.
Formatter's Forge [Public] / How to add a sequel on KDP?
« Last post by Gregg Bell on December 28, 2024, 12:05:35 PM »
I uploaded my sequel paperback mss to KDP. It seems there are two different ways to add it as a sequel. 1) on the Paperback Details page is a button saying: "Add to Series." Then that leads to a "Select Series" button and I choose my legal thriller series. But there's also an info thing saying I can add the sequel later by going to the Bookshelf clicking on the "Create" button and then "Create Series Page." So like do both? The "Create Series Page" is going to be its own page? (These choices were not available doing my last series.) Thanks.
That sure was a bizarre case. You could almost call it literary kleptomania. I feel bad for everyone who got burned by this, especially the aspiring authors.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Which one works best?
« Last post by Gregg Bell on December 28, 2024, 11:49:42 AM »
#3 for me.
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