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Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by Lynn on January 18, 2025, 01:22:29 PM »
Yes. I'm keeping my main books far away from AI because the vitriol and anti-AI sentiment is so strong, but also because they're MY books. 100%. I don't even use editors or beta readers. Wouldn't let anyone touch them.

But, and here's the thing for me, I've had a lot of ideas for stories I'd love to *read* but don't want to put the time into writing. I would love to read them in fact. And this is what my experiment is going to be about. AI writing books I want to read as a reader but don't really want to write as a writer. I'll read, fix anything needing fixed, and then see if I think they're publishable. We'll see if it works out. That's why I'm calling it an experiment.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by Lorri Moulton on January 18, 2025, 01:17:34 PM »
I'm not at all interested in having AI write a book for me.  Seems like cheating. LOL  Maybe it's the teacher background, but why say we're writers if we're NOT the ones writing?

Having an idea, and editing AI's work, is not really writing.  That's something else entirely.  More of a newspaper editor assigning a story, then checking it over before publishing.

While everyone has to do what works for them, I'm going to keep writing my own stories.

ETA: Lynn, I know what you mean about too many ideas.  I've got covers for stories I won't get to for at least a few years.  :)

Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by Lynn on January 18, 2025, 01:16:43 PM »
Yeah, if I hear anything about that kind of thing between now and then, I'll pay attention. But I don't think it's going to happen. At least not with edited works. I do think this is going the way of self-publishing. SP people got dissed by Trad people. Now SP and Trad are dissing the people writing decent works with AI help. I could be wrong.

I'm just saying this as someone who has no interest in AI taking over my main books but who has a lot of stories I just don't have time to write down in the weeds, but have tons of ideas and thoughts about. So it's easy to "direct" AI, telling it exactly what I want and it doing the hard work of getting the words on the page. To be honest, I wasn't convinced about it until I used it to "write" a fan fiction I wanted to read but that didn't exist. And now it does. I was a little flabbergasted. It wrote 4k words exactly as I wanted them, in about an hour. And I write about 500 words an hour. So this was huge for me.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by TimothyEllis on January 18, 2025, 12:25:59 PM »
I'm about to start an experiment within the next couple of months. (Just depends how busy I am with my real books this month.) But if I see any progress from some (mostly) AI written books, I'll let you know. :) I'm having fun telling it what to write in great detail and then reading it like a reader would. It's been pretty entertaining and I think some other people might enjoy reading it too. We'll see. It'll be a new pen name because I ain't touching my main books with AI. But I am definitely going to try this out.

If KDP blocks one of them, I'd suggest you stop. You don't want to jeopardize your account with an experiment.
Amazon will transfer the review automatically to the ebook after the paperback and ebook gets linked. But good luck getting readers to review the paperback even if you suggest they do. Most always seem to think it's strange because they get hung up on it being reviewed under the book instead of the ebook.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by Lynn on January 18, 2025, 11:57:54 AM »
I'm about to start an experiment within the next couple of months. (Just depends how busy I am with my real books this month.) But if I see any progress from some (mostly) AI written books, I'll let you know. :) I'm having fun telling it what to write in great detail and then reading it like a reader would. It's been pretty entertaining and I think some other people might enjoy reading it too. We'll see. It'll be a new pen name because I ain't touching my main books with AI. But I am definitely going to try this out.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by TimothyEllis on January 18, 2025, 11:48:37 AM »
That information will not be shared much


As far as the discussion goes here, I see it as necessary evidence. If you can't come up with bot books we can look at to see their ranks in real time, then there is no evidence that they're selling at all.

I'm not talking about content provider stats. Just actual book pages where a rank is displayed.

No evidence, then no problem.

Those pushing the bot thing need to start coming up with some examples which are selling. Because until you do, I can't take any of this seriously.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: 8K books in one year, really?
« Last post by RBC on January 18, 2025, 05:34:12 AM »
That information will not be shared much... and since most indies are not spend-happy, and thrift, if it doesn't work they wont do it. I wouldn't just equate AI with spammers. They did the same with self-pub in general, at first.

Here is the video on the topic that kicked off experiments, if ChatGPT at $200/mth is good enough:

If I publish the paperback first (What I'm thinking of doing is to publish the paperback first, get some reviews there so when the ebook is published I can get good ads.) and give ebook ARCS to my ARC people, and they post their reviews on the paperback, when the ebook gets published, will the reviews from the paperback transfer to the ebook? If so, will they transfer automatically?
I only have one rule.

If they ask for money, it's a scammer.

Doesn't matter what the scam is.
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