I don't know why I end up watching this season in the middle of the night on my tablet. Okay, here goes.
At least we got back to Jamie and Claire. Some good moments. I enjoyed Claire's fangirl squee over George Washington. And once again, Jamie and Claire are conspiring against the British government. In this case, Gov. Tryon. They do work so well together. Big smile when Tryon told the "doctor" that Claire was handling it. Gee, I wonder if that's where the expression "blow smoke up his a**" came from?
Murtagh lives to fight another day, but I think it's too much to hope for a peaceful end for him on Fraser's Ridge surrounded by friends and family. We'll see how that plays out.
The handfasting was kind of sweet, but Roger and Bree's fight was just as unreal as in the book. I'm sorry, but they are just not Jamie and Claire. Since the beginning, Outlander was shelved with the romances. It's not a romance. It's an EPIC LOVE STORY and Roger/Bree don't fit that mold.
I have never liked book Bree's treatment of Roger. She's impatient with his lack of survival skills and compares him unfavorably with both her fathers. She was the same even in the last book. For me, the savior of the rest of the series is Young Ian. I do hope they give him the bigger role that he deserves. And they've watered down Fergus, my other favorite of the new generation.
And now on to the final scene. Phew! Powerful! One thing I have to say about this series, these scenes are improving my breath holding skills. In fact, just writing about it, I'm not breathing. They could have gone graphic with it, but they didn't and it had an even greater impact. (breathe, breathe).
So, next week according to the previews ... Jamie meets Bree.