Author Topic: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here  (Read 19424 times)

Maggie Ann

All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« on: November 02, 2018, 10:31:23 PM »
If you know what Droughtlander is, I know you'll be glued to your TV set on Sunday to watch the return of Outlander.

If there's any interest in discussing the Starz series, I'll change the topic heading to Outlander Season 4.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 02:28:55 AM by Maggie Ann »

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2018, 06:09:34 AM »
Who is worse? Stephen Bonnett or Black Jack.

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Black Jack was a sadist but he didn't try to hide it behind false charm. He had a conscience. He had feelings.  Bonnett is a complete sociopath, defined as "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience."
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Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 09:06:46 AM »
Thank you!

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I have a feeling I might like this character, or at least find him entertaining. A great villain is my weakness!
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The Doctor

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2018, 10:51:19 PM »
Who is worse? Stephen Bonnett or Black Jack.

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Black Jack was a sadist but he didn't try to hide it behind false charm. He had a conscience. He had feelings.  Bonnett is a complete sociopath, defined as "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience."

It's been ages since I read the books so while I remember the name Stephen Bonnett, I can't remember how evil he was. I guess I'll find out when I finally get caught up with the series.

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Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2018, 11:36:49 PM »
Who is worse? Stephen Bonnett or Black Jack.

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Black Jack was a sadist but he didn't try to hide it behind false charm. He had a conscience. He had feelings.  Bonnett is a complete sociopath, defined as "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience."

It's been ages since I read the books so while I remember the name Stephen Bonnett, I can't remember how evil he was. I guess I'll find out when I finally get caught up with the series.

Not remembering probably keeps the Starz series fresh. I've only read the first three more than once so some of this will be kind of new to me.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2018, 11:25:04 PM »
I should say something about the fourth book; The Fiery Cross.

I said I'd only read the first three multiple times. I got about halfway through the fourth, got disgusted with the story and stopped reading.

Then DD bought me the fifth book for Christmas. Well, mom's always love the gifts their children give them even when those children are well into adulthood. So I had to go back and read Cross all over again and then read the fifth book.

After that, The Other Place formed a book club and I suggested Outlander. Before I knew it, I was leading the discussion and had to keep reading the series. But now that we have such a wonderful adaptation on Starz, I won't be buying any of the next books. Supposed to be two more.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2018, 06:51:34 PM »
I stopped reading around book 6 or so, but I always loved them. Life got in the way, I read fewer books, and they're really long, plus there was a big wait time. I've decided to read all of the Outlander books once more once the series is complete.

I enjoy the show. Just started season 2. Though, that one episode in the first season possibly killed me somewhat. I knew it was coming, of course, and I'd warned my other half...still, it made me swallow a good few times.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2018, 11:54:56 PM »
I stopped reading around book 6 or so, but I always loved them. Life got in the way, I read fewer books, and they're really long, plus there was a big wait time. I've decided to read all of the Outlander books once more once the series is complete.

I enjoy the show. Just started season 2. Though, that one episode in the first season possibly killed me somewhat. I knew it was coming, of course, and I'd warned my other half...still, it made me swallow a good few times.

I skipped that episode but now I know I have to watch it.

I didn't watch yesterday's episode. They go so fast, it seems like I barely turn on the TV when the episode ends. I'll watch it today, though. I can only wait so long.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2018, 12:36:24 AM »
I stopped reading around book 6 or so, but I always loved them. Life got in the way, I read fewer books, and they're really long, plus there was a big wait time. I've decided to read all of the Outlander books once more once the series is complete.

I enjoy the show. Just started season 2. Though, that one episode in the first season possibly killed me somewhat. I knew it was coming, of course, and I'd warned my other half...still, it made me swallow a good few times.

I skipped that episode but now I know I have to watch it.

I didn't watch yesterday's episode. They go so fast, it seems like I barely turn on the TV when the episode ends. I'll watch it today, though. I can only wait so long.

They do it via I, at first, actually thought we wouldn't get to see it in detail and turned to my other half and said "oh good, it's more implied than shown, I'm so glad." And then flashback after flashback broke my little heart over and over again.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2018, 12:52:01 AM »
I think my better half still has nightmares of the end of season one. He still hangs in with me, but I think going forward I will watch it myself. He just grumbles to much about it all, still going back to that end of S1.

I have rewatched it a couple of times, but I do now skip over those episodes. I have read the first 4 books. I got really angry in book 4 and so haven't continued on. I tried starting 5, but I was still seething from what happened in 4. Maybe one day, or maybe I'll just watch the show.

I did reread the first 3 books. Those first 3 I think are magic. I remember reading 2 and going straight into 3. Not eating, not cleaning, not peeing.  :icon_rofl: You know the kind of reading. I just had to know.

I was a late starter to the series though. There was a super sale on kindle a few years ago and I snapped them up and then started read them. I even snapped up the audio books 1-5 in a super sale.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2018, 01:59:57 AM »
ATUNAH!! So happy to see you here.  :banana:

We definitely agree on Book 4. I can't wait to see what RDM does with it and especially with that storyline.

Right after lunch, I'll be closeting myself behind my bedroom door and watching Episode 3 in there. I need uninterrupted Outlander time.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2018, 08:06:38 AM »
I hold off watching an episode for as long as I can so I can make it last and then they pack so much in that I swear it goes by in 15 minutes. So, so well-done.

I read Drums when it first came out and that was a long time ago. There are things I remember vaguely and things I don't remember at all. Makes it all so fresh.

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I remember the incident with Rufus, but I didn't remember that Claire OD'd him to save him from the mob.

Catriona Balfe is still not my vision of Claire from the books, but I have to say she brings a lot of emotion to the role. Between the scene at the end of the last episode and the scene at the end of this one, she has definitely earned my respect.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2018, 07:24:36 AM »
Our first look at Clarence.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2018, 06:16:33 AM »
I guess I should spoiler tag this. Finally watched Ep 3.

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Young Ian is one of my favorite characters in the books and I was skeptical about John Bell at first but he's won me over. The character holds up well.

Roger and Bree were somewhat disappointing. I never cared for Brianna in the books and I still don't care for her in the series. I was pleased that RR sings so well but I absolutely hated the song they chose for him.

And correct me if I'm wrong but did Claire unzip her boots when she was out in the storm? Zippers? Really?

Not an exciting episode, but it did move the story along and I did like the way they switched back and forth in time. There was a reference to strawberries in Roger's song and then Jamie and Claire find a wild strawberry patch. I guess that was supposed to tie the two time periods together.

I'll have to look up the significance of the burning stag. I don't remember that from the books.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2018, 12:38:39 AM »
One of the reasons I put off watching each episode is that I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed. Watched Ep 4 in the middle of the night and I was definitely not disappointed.

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It's the Frasers first contact with the Indians as they attempt to settle the land granted them by Gov. Tryon. Tryon makes sure Jamie knows he's to come down on the right side in the conflict with the Regulators.

The best part of the whole episode was the bear. I knew Jamie and Claire were going to have to fight a bear and that Jamie would get the name Bear Killer, but I'm glad they didn't have SH wrestle a real grizzly. And I'm glad they didn't just put a man in a bear costume and pretend he was real. Okay, yes it was a man wearing a bear skin and with bear claws fastened to his fingers, but they made no pretense that he was anything but a man. Cleverly done with the scene going back and forth between the fight and the Indians in their huts dancing and working their magic to help Jamie.

Suddenly two of the Indians speak perfect English. I'm not saying they should have said anything like, "Ugh, white man brave. White man Bear Killer." But the absolutely perfect American accents was a bit off-putting. Presumably, they learned English from either British missionaries or soldiers (one was wearing what looked like a soldier's coat and another definitely had a British Gorget) or from trappers and traders like Myers who were most likely rough, uneducated men.

I'm warming up to Roger and even Bree to some extent. Makes what's to come all the harder.

Another good ending.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2018, 11:44:06 AM »
OoooooohhhhhhKKKKKKKaaaaaaayyyyyyy ...
I'm here from TOP. Glad to see some folks (Maggie Ann) are watching.
My current thought #2:
HOLY MOLY ... they are packing SO MUCH into each episode!!!! Episode 4 ...

Current thought #1 (saved from a few days ago):
When he doesn't have strife to deal with, Jamie seems a bit too schmarmy to me this season ...
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also, in Episode 1 or 2, the trees were in autumn color splendor, but there were strawberries?
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2018, 12:54:16 PM »
OoooooohhhhhhKKKKKKKaaaaaaayyyyyyy ...
I'm here from TOP. Glad to see some folks (Maggie Ann) are watching.
My current thought #2:
HOLY MOLY ... they are packing SO MUCH into each episode!!!! Episode 4 ...

Current thought #1 (saved from a few days ago):
When he doesn't have strife to deal with, Jamie seems a bit too schmarmy to me this season ...
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also, in Episode 1 or 2, the trees were in autumn color splendor, but there were strawberries?

Hey, welcome. So glad to see you here.

Yes, I have to agree about Jamie. But I don't know how else they could have written him. He's feeling content with his family around him; Fergus, Marsali, Young Ian, and of course, Claire. So I guess he's taken the Paterfamilias role.

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Strawberries are in season in NC through September and I'd guess autumn colors come early in the mountains at higher altitudes. Still, I agree, it's cutting it pretty fine. Jamie and Claire seeing the strawberries tied in with Roger's song about strawberries, linking the two times together, I think.

Roger has a good voice, but I really disliked the song.

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A lot of people couldn't understand Roger's attitude toward sleeping with Briana. He's several years older than she is and raised by a minister. She was raised by a very liberal mother. There's a big difference between being raised in the 50's like Roger and raised in the 60's like Briana.

And tell me how Claire has boots with zippers in the 18th century?

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2018, 03:58:54 AM »
There is a heated discussion on Twitter about Roger's clothes and styling. Fans think they are making him look like a frumpy old college professor and not a contemporary of Briana's.

The actual costume designer has joined the discussion.

What do y'all think?


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2018, 01:39:16 AM »
Watched Ep 5 (Savages) today. Things heat up for Claire and an unexpected reunion.

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MURTAGH!!! In the book, Murtagh was killed at Culloden and I was bummed for a very long time. I'm glad he's back.

I had forgotten that it was Adawehi that Mueller killed and scalped (urk). I thought she might have been the one who gave Claire Otter Tooth's book, but obviously I was wrong.

I've really forgotten so much about this book so I'm looking at it with fresh eyes. I'm not sure why having Claire constantly feeding the pig and goats should have taken up so much time. Yes, life was tough on the frontier and without Jamie and Young Ian to help on the farm. the entire burden fell on Claire, but I don't think we needed to see that more than once.

Next week should be very interesting with John Grey and Will showing up.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2018, 07:36:33 AM »
I cannot wait to watch these episodes, I am behind for now though. I am in the final stretches of moving and its like killing me.  :help

I'll have to get starz from the amazon prime channel store once i am moved as I am cutting the cord and won't have regular cable at the new place anymore. So I'll join back in a bit later on. Probably like 2-3 more episodes in. Then I'll sit down with a old bottle of wine in my new home and binge watch this sucker.   :dance:

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2018, 09:43:08 AM »
I cannot wait to watch these episodes, I am behind for now though. I am in the final stretches of moving and its like killing me.  :help

I'll have to get starz from the amazon prime channel store once i am moved as I am cutting the cord and won't have regular cable at the new place anymore. So I'll join back in a bit later on. Probably like 2-3 more episodes in. Then I'll sit down with a old bottle of wine in my new home and binge watch this sucker.   :dance:

That's how I've got Starz, too. I've got the Amazon Fire Stick on one TV and the Roku on the other two. Love it.

I'll keep putting things in spoiler tags in the mean time, good luck with the move. It's such a pain to say the least.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2018, 04:00:30 PM »
I haven't watched this week's yet either. Work is crazy & I'm trying to get ready for family guests.
for now I have cable, TIVO & the STARZ station, so, I'll be catching up soon!
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2018, 11:31:02 PM »
I haven't watched this week's yet either. Work is crazy & I'm trying to get ready for family guests.
for now I have cable, TIVO & the STARZ station, so, I'll be catching up soon!

It's that time of year. I've been busy with the holidays but I couldn't sleep last night and I wound up watching it in the wee hours on my Fire tablet.

I have to say in the books I absolutely did not like Lord John especially at Ardsmuir. It was his superior, entitled attitude, I think, even though he tried to do the right thing by paroling Jamie to Helwater. But in the show, I'm really drawn to him. David Berry's performance has absolutely humanized him for me.
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The scene between him and Claire was wonderful. Both of them. I understood what each of them felt for each other and why.

I'm so glad they brought Murtagh back. I didn't think they captured him in the first two seasons but now they have. Before, he sort of blended in with all the other dour, bearded Scots and was definitely not a "wee canty bird." Okay, so he really wasn't in the books, either. Now, he's distinctive with a personality and story line all his own.

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Then there's Willie. Excuse me ... Master William.  Grin The boy (Oliver Finnegan) was wonderful and the interaction between him and Jamie was perfect. I don't remember the incident with the fish in the book, but then I don't remember a whole lot about the book. But that was a very powerful scene. When Willie looked back at Jamie as they were leaving, I did choke up a bit.

One thing that puzzled me in the book and they've brought it into the series,
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 is the concern over Willie losing his inheritance if they find out that Ellesmere was not his father. I've always understood that under English law, the father is presumed to be the husband at the time the child was born. No DNA tests back then. DG does do a lot of research so maybe that wasn't the case at that particular time. Must look into it as soon as I have time after the holidays.

All in all, an excellent episode.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2018, 05:18:04 PM »
Haven't quite finished the latest episode, but I don't mind spoilers, so I peeked.

I haven't watched this week's yet either. Work is crazy & I'm trying to get ready for family guests.
for now I have cable, TIVO & the STARZ station, so, I'll be catching up soon!

It's that time of year. I've been busy with the holidays but I couldn't sleep last night and I wound up watching it in the wee hours on my Fire tablet.

I have to say in the books I absolutely did not like Lord John especially at Ardsmuir. It was his superior, entitled attitude, I think, even though he tried to do the right thing by paroling Jamie to Helwater. But in the show, I'm really drawn to him. David Berry's performance has absolutely humanized him for me.
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The scene between him and Claire was wonderful. Both of them. I understood what each of them felt for each other and why.

I'm so glad they brought Murtagh back. I didn't think they captured him in the first two seasons but now they have. Before, he sort of blended in with all the other dour, bearded Scots and was definitely not a "wee canty bird." Okay, so he really wasn't in the books, either. Now, he's distinctive with a personality and story line all his own.

Spoiler: ShowHide
Then there's Willie. Excuse me ... Master William.  Grin The boy (Oliver Finnegan) was wonderful and the interaction between him and Jamie was perfect. I don't remember the incident with the fish in the book, but then I don't remember a whole lot about the book. But that was a very powerful scene. When Willie looked back at Jamie as they were leaving, I did choke up a bit.

One thing that puzzled me in the book and they've brought it into the series,
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 is the concern over Willie losing his inheritance if they find out that Ellesmere was not his father. I've always understood that under English law, the father is presumed to be the husband at the time the child was born. No DNA tests back then. DG does do a lot of research so maybe that wasn't the case at that particular time. Must look into it as soon as I have time after the holidays.

All in all, an excellent episode.
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2018, 10:37:45 PM »
Haven't quite finished the latest episode, but I don't mind spoilers, so I peeked.

I haven't watched this week's yet either. Work is crazy & I'm trying to get ready for family guests.
for now I have cable, TIVO & the STARZ station, so, I'll be catching up soon!

It's that time of year. I've been busy with the holidays but I couldn't sleep last night and I wound up watching it in the wee hours on my Fire tablet.

I have to say in the books I absolutely did not like Lord John especially at Ardsmuir. It was his superior, entitled attitude, I think, even though he tried to do the right thing by paroling Jamie to Helwater. But in the show, I'm really drawn to him. David Berry's performance has absolutely humanized him for me.
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The scene between him and Claire was wonderful. Both of them. I understood what each of them felt for each other and why.

I'm so glad they brought Murtagh back. I didn't think they captured him in the first two seasons but now they have. Before, he sort of blended in with all the other dour, bearded Scots and was definitely not a "wee canty bird." Okay, so he really wasn't in the books, either. Now, he's distinctive with a personality and story line all his own.

Spoiler: ShowHide
Then there's Willie. Excuse me ... Master William.  Grin The boy (Oliver Finnegan) was wonderful and the interaction between him and Jamie was perfect. I don't remember the incident with the fish in the book, but then I don't remember a whole lot about the book. But that was a very powerful scene. When Willie looked back at Jamie as they were leaving, I did choke up a bit.

One thing that puzzled me in the book and they've brought it into the series,
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 is the concern over Willie losing his inheritance if they find out that Ellesmere was not his father. I've always understood that under English law, the father is presumed to be the husband at the time the child was born. No DNA tests back then. DG does do a lot of research so maybe that wasn't the case at that particular time. Must look into it as soon as I have time after the holidays.

All in all, an excellent episode.


What a performance from young Oliver. That's just one of the things that sets this series apart is how well the actors bring the scenes and characters to life. Great directors, great actors, great screenwriters, great sets/locations and behind it all, wonderful books.

I'm already Jonesing for the next episode.  :dog1:

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2018, 06:30:25 AM »
No Jamie and Claire at all in this episode but
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a lot of Frank. I was glad to see him interact with Brianna. And I don't think it was such a stretch to have those flashbacks because later we learn that Frank made sure Brianna learned how to ride and shoot and live off the land. He knew she would go back to find Jamie some day. There was also the letter he left for her in his old desk that she found at Lallybroch. So, it worked out well to have Frank in this episode.

What I didn't like was all the time wasted with Brianna walking across the mountains. The scenes with Laoghaire and Joanie seemed like a lot of filler to me. The actress that played Jenny wasn't available so I guess they substituted Laoghaire for Jenny.

Then there was
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Stephen Bonnett. I get queasy just typing his name. Ed Speleers absolutely does that psychopath justice. I think maybe he's a little too good. And the baby's name that Roger saved was Jemmy. A coincidence? I think not. 

And may I say that Richard Rankin without a beard is very fine.

PJ Post

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2018, 10:02:06 AM »
This season feels super rushed, like they're just hitting the high spots and providing a little fan service in between getting the characters from here to there. The earlier seasons were hip-deep in characterization, and now, all of the new characters are forgettably one-dimensional. Black jack Randall is such a great character because we know him really well, even to the point of sympathy, in spite of how horrible he is (which is what made the whole Frank story line so crushingly awful); where as Bonnet has been reduced to a 'look he's bad because he did that bad thing that time' guy.

The whole thing is beginning to feel episodic, like a police procedural.

The actress that played Jenny wasn't available so I guess they substituted Laoghaire for Jenny., what about the pearls?   :rant

And don't even get me started on Murtagh...they've completely changed his character. (Dead people need to stay dead! What do they think this is, Marvel?) There's no way he wouldn't be at Jamie's side from the git-go! :HB


Which doesn't mean I'm not watching every episode on demand at 12:01...because, you know...


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2018, 10:37:49 AM »
Yes, I know.  :tup3b  I'm the opposite of you. I put off watching each episode because I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed. But despite the flaws, I never am.

I'd rather see Murtagh (since they chose to bring him back) have a character of his own. He was completely characterless in the first two seasons and shouldn't have even been at Ardsmuir with Jamie.

What's so chilling about Bonnett is that he does these awful things without even thinking. He's completely amoral. Black Jack may have been a sadistic pervert, but he had feelings. At the end, when he's dying, he reached out to Jamie. Both he and Frank aroused some sympathy (I agree) because they were both capable of love.

Didn't Claire mention that she'd given the pearls to Brianna?

Hopefully we'll get a bit of Jamie and Claire next episode.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2018, 05:49:08 AM »
Just for fun, here's how to do three of the Outlander hairdos. I think I'm going to grow my hair so I can do the first one ... maybe.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2018, 09:44:25 AM »
Wow, I wish I could do that with my hair. I have the hair do do it but all I am capable is putting it up with a nice clip. My hair is straight, long to my waist almost and so perfect for those fancy do's. Alas, I don't know how. Its not that pretty red though.  grint. Not having much to say about the show as I still haven't watched beyond the 2nd this season. Still moving just don't have the time right now. But I read all your comments so I am exited once I can watch it. All I know right now is that those folks did not have this much crap they have to move. We humans are doomed. We got to much stuff.  :confused: :icon_rolleyes:

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2018, 01:02:58 PM »
Moving is never very fun and you never realize how much stuff you have until you have to start packing it. You'll get there and then you have Outlander as your reward.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2018, 12:53:50 AM »
I don't know why I end up watching this season in the middle of the night on my tablet. Okay, here goes.

At least we got back to Jamie and Claire. Some good moments. I enjoyed Claire's fangirl squee over George Washington. And once again, Jamie and Claire are conspiring against the British government. In this case, Gov. Tryon. They do work so well together. Big smile when Tryon told the "doctor" that Claire was handling it. Gee, I wonder if that's where the expression "blow smoke up his a**" came from?

Murtagh lives to fight another day, but I think it's too much to hope for a peaceful end for him on Fraser's Ridge surrounded by friends and family. We'll see how that plays out.

The handfasting was kind of sweet, but Roger and Bree's fight was just as unreal as in the book. I'm sorry, but they are just not Jamie and Claire. Since the beginning, Outlander was shelved with the romances. It's not a romance. It's an EPIC LOVE STORY and Roger/Bree don't fit that mold.

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I have never liked book Bree's treatment of Roger. She's impatient with his lack of survival skills and compares him unfavorably with both her fathers. She was the same even in the last book. For me, the savior of the rest of the series is Young Ian. I do hope they give him the bigger role that he deserves. And they've watered down Fergus, my other favorite of the new generation. 

And now on to the final scene. Phew! Powerful! One thing I have to say about this series, these scenes are improving my breath holding skills. In fact, just writing about it, I'm not breathing. They could have gone graphic with it, but they didn't and it had an even greater impact. (breathe, breathe).

So, next week according to the previews ... Jamie meets Bree.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2019, 01:42:39 AM »
I know Jamie didn't faint in the book when Bree told him who she was, but it would have been cool if they'd re-enacted the print shop scene. Still a very well-played scene. They did say after that they wanted to stick with the book on this part.

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They did include Jamie and Bree's bee hunt which worked well. Afterward, when Jamie told Claire Bree had called him Da, he looked like he'd just gotten the official Red Ryder carbine action 200-shot, range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time. I did choke up a bit at that.

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Of course, if you've read the books, you know what happens to Roger. I liked the way they handled that. It was very upsetting for me in the book and why I actually stopped reading DoA. I did go back and finish it. 

More Jamie and Claire, more Murtagh, more Young Ian, all made for a good episode for me.

If you haven't read the books, don't read the next bit.
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If you've read the books, you know what happens to Lizzie. Every time I see her on screen, all I can think about is her with the twins.  :kiss:

PJ Post

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2019, 02:05:52 AM »
Still watching. Still have the same complaints. They've dumbed the show way down in order to shoehorn it into this ridiculous episodic structure (they did it last year too). They're just ignoring so much story, story that's vitally important later on, letting us know only what we absolutely must just before it becomes relevant. It's like Chekhov's gun showing up just in time to pull the trigger. It's really bad writing - they're not earning anything.

On the other hand, what they are doing is really really really good. Which is probably why I'm so frustrated - missed opportunities. The first seasons were so much better, so much deeper into both story and character. Still, it's an amazing story and I love watching. Maybe it's just all too epic for the screen?

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2019, 02:59:57 AM »
Can you imagine the disaster if they'd tried to make a movie out of it? I shudder to think.

I certainly agree that what they've chosen to do, they've done really, really well. Yes, there have been some disappointments, but also some additions that have really added to the story. Frank telling Claire how he felt when she came back added a whole new level. So did the flashback with Frank and Bree. Much credit to Tobias Menzies, of course. The man has a presence.

And the acting is superb. Sophie when she goes back to the room was outstanding. I could just feel every tremor and twitch that ran through her body.

Do you watch the segment after the show where they discuss why they did what they did?

PJ Post

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2019, 03:28:50 AM »
Do you watch the segment after the show where they discuss why they did what they did?

Of course.  Grin

And you're right, the acting really is wonderful.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2019, 04:22:14 AM »
I cannot believe we've gone through nine episodes already. I think there are 12 this season.

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Unlike the non-readers, we at least know how everything is going to turn out. Well, most everything. We don't know about Murtagh. Since they brought him back, at least they gave him a character and a story.

One other thing. I felt the scene where
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Murtagh describes Dougal's response to Jamie kissing his daughter was kind of forced. The people hearing the story barely reacted at all when they should have responded with more laughter and a lot of teasing at Jamie's expense.

Maggie Ann



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2019, 04:04:30 PM »
The first official Fraser family portrait. Jamie, Claire, Brianna.  :heart:

The RING finally came out in "Blood of My Blood" -- YAY!!

Just finished "Down the Rabbit Hole" ... Lizzy is NOT who/what I was expecting!
Bonnet is HORRIBLE ... and the actor is playing him very well.

...I certainly agree that what they've chosen to do, they've done really, really well. Yes, there have been some disappointments, but also some additions that have really added to the story. ...
Yep, Yep, and Yep

Now starting "Wilmington"
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2019, 11:51:15 PM »
Agreed about Lizzie but I think you won't be as disappointed when you see her in The Birds and the Bees toward the end of the episode.

Speleers is outstanding. He's so casually horrible.

They are all so good. Sophie Skelton finally won me over. CB is still not my idea of Claire, but she's so unbelievably good that I don't care anymore. You know I didn't care all that much for DoA, but the people behind the scenes, not to mention the actors, have redeemed it for me. They've brought these wonderful characters to life and surrounded them with beautiful scenery and wonderful sets and a great story.

 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2019, 01:12:44 PM »
Agreed about Lizzie but I think you won't be as disappointed when you see her in The Birds and the Bees toward the end of the episode.

Speleers is outstanding. He's so casually horrible.

They are all so good. Sophie Skelton finally won me over. CB is still not my idea of Claire, but she's so unbelievably good that I don't care anymore. You know I didn't care all that much for DoA, but the people behind the scenes, not to mention the actors, have redeemed it for me. They've brought these wonderful characters to life and surrounded them with beautiful scenery and wonderful sets and a great story.

 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Very much agree about how the producers/directors have brought the characters to life. There are several who do not really come close to my imagining (Claire definitely being one), but overall, as I say over & over, this is just another medium in which enjoy this truly awesome storyline.
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2019, 01:23:34 AM »
Oh, Roger. Knew this was coming, of course.

I'm trying to remember some parts of the book since I only read DoA once. I know Roger escaped in the book and I remember him coming across the time portal and having to make a decision whether or not to go back.
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Doesn't he meet another traveler there? Or maybe find something there that indicates another traveler? I also remember Ian offering to take Roger's place with the Indians when he wants to marry Emily. Did the Cherokee capture Roger after he escaped from the Mohawk? Confused.
But I guess I just have to wait and see.

Now what's really bothering me.
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Murtagh going after Bonnett. Is this the end of our beloved Murtagh? We know we're going to lose Ian for at least this season and possibly next. I'm pretty sure he doesn't return until #6. Could be wrong.

A lot of good scenes in this episode but I was particularly caught up in everything from when Bree realizes what's happened to Roger.

A general observation. The clothes are dull, the cabin is dull. So what is it about this that gives these scenes a richness and a depth? Only three more episodes and then it's back to Droughtlander. <sigh>


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2019, 02:20:27 PM »
Maggie Ann - you probably don't really want answers to your questions!  :hehe
Besides, I would strongly suspect that there will be re-working of the specifics other than how they happened in the book.
(Having read or listened to the entire series at least 4 times through, I remember a lot  :icon_think: (but certainly not everything)
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2019, 12:00:11 AM »
Okay, I get it. You want me to wait and worry like the non-readers.  grint But yes, you're right. They will be reworking whatever happened in the books. It's funny. Even though I know what decision Roger makes, I was still holding my breath.

I was thinking after I watched this last episode that I almost wished I hadn't read the books, but then I realized if I hadn't, I would never have watched the series. At the first hint of violence I would have been reaching for the remote.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2019, 06:05:59 AM »
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I did not like Lord John in the books. Too stuffy and uptight. But David Berry's portrayal of John has completely won me over. Yes, he's still very much the Lord, but there's also a humanity and vulnerability about him that didn't come out on the page.

So much happened in this episode but they kept it moving, going back and forth between all those scenes. Just about everyone seemed to be in this one.

My favorite scene was Claire finally coming to Jamie in the tent. Shed a wee tear over that one.

Roger, poor Roger, if only Bree could see the toughness in you now, she wouldn't be so quick to judge you for your lack of survival skills.

Readers know
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that Bonnett doesn't get his just desserts in this season and I hope they don't change that.

But of course, reader or not
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we don't know what will happen to Murtagh with Jamie not there to save him. Hopefully, that honor will fall to Fergus.

Another excellent episode with an explosive ending.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2019, 03:58:48 PM »
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I did not like Lord John in the books. Too stuffy and uptight. But David Berry's portrayal of John has completely won me over. Yes, he's still very much the Lord, but there's also a humanity and vulnerability about him that didn't come out on the page.
So much happened in this episode but they kept it moving, going back and forth between all those scenes. Just about everyone seemed to be in this one.
Another excellent episode with an explosive ending.
I actually did like Lord John and I think David Berry is portraying him just as I envisioned him. He's great!
True so much in this episode & everything was well done to move the story along.

Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2019, 12:12:20 AM »
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I did not like Lord John in the books. Too stuffy and uptight. But David Berry's portrayal of John has completely won me over. Yes, he's still very much the Lord, but there's also a humanity and vulnerability about him that didn't come out on the page.
So much happened in this episode but they kept it moving, going back and forth between all those scenes. Just about everyone seemed to be in this one.
Another excellent episode with an explosive ending.
I actually did like Lord John and I think David Berry is portraying him just as I envisioned him. He's great!
True so much in this episode & everything was well done to move the story along.


I know. I almost feel like not watching the last two episodes for a month just so I can stretch it out.

PJ Post

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2019, 05:26:46 AM »

The show has deviated from the books so drastically, (and for no reason), that it's starting to look like fan-fiction. Zombie Murtagh was frustrating, but now, they've changed Roger's character and personality. One more show...we'll see how they deal with Ian, but I might be done. So sad, season one was amazing.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2019, 06:52:25 AM »

The show has deviated from the books so drastically, (and for no reason), that it's starting to look like fan-fiction. Zombie Murtagh was frustrating, but now, they've changed Roger's character and personality. One more show...we'll see how they deal with Ian, but I might be done. So sad, season one was amazing.

Book one was amazing and I never felt any of the subsequent books lived up to that.

How do you feel that Roger has changed? I just don't remember a lot from Drums of Autumn.

I do remember what happens to Ian. He's my next favorite character after Jamie and Claire. I'm not really sure if John Bell can be convincing after this.

PJ Post

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2019, 08:00:12 AM »
I don't think Roger would ever think of putting himself first...which makes all of those scenes with Alexandre, the priest, off-putting.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2019, 09:02:03 AM »
I don't think Roger would ever think of putting himself first...which makes all of those scenes with Alexandre, the priest, off-putting.

I haven't seen it yet but I'll watch with that in mind.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2019, 03:07:24 PM »
After last week's next-to-last episode, I'm trying skim the end of Drums of Autumn; I cannot imagine how in the world they will pull together the rest of what is supposed to happen in one episode.
I'm very very curious!
and I'm really annoyed that this forum won't notify me by email that there are new posts to this thread. I will notify me of the very next post if I have posted something; but then I get no more notifications and have to remember to come here to check whether anyone else has posted new items to this thread !!!  :rant
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2019, 03:47:13 AM »
After last week's next-to-last episode, I'm trying skim the end of Drums of Autumn; I cannot imagine how in the world they will pull together the rest of what is supposed to happen in one episode.
I'm very very curious!
and I'm really annoyed that this forum won't notify me by email that there are new posts to this thread. I will notify me of the very next post if I have posted something; but then I get no more notifications and have to remember to come here to check whether anyone else has posted new items to this thread !!!  :rant

I'll check into that.

I've only been able to watch half the episode where Roger gets thrown in the hut with the priest. I really want to do what you did and skim to the end of DoA before I watch the other half.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2019, 09:56:32 AM »
I did go ahead and skim to the end, although I ended up reading a lot. Now I'm looking forward to watching the rest of Ep. 412.

I had a thought about Murtagh while I was reading.
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Duncan Innes marries Jocasta, which I remembered but he hasn't been a character in the series, I don't think. So, what if Murtagh marries Aunt Jocasta?
Just a thing that zipped through my mind.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2019, 11:14:49 AM »
Ooooohhhh .... that zipping thought holds much promise. That could work.
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2019, 02:29:05 PM »
Ooooohhhh .... that zipping thought holds much promise. That could work.

Let's hope RDM has the same thought.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2019, 12:43:11 PM »
Have to say I'm really liking Fergus this season. That's the Fergus I love.

I don't think Roger would ever think of putting himself first...which makes all of those scenes with Alexandre, the priest, off-putting.

Now I get what you mean. But I did read the last couple of parts in the book and I think it's not so out of character as you think. Yes, in the book Roger was very caring and comforting toward Alexandre.

But, again in the book, after Jamie dropped him off and basically told him to hem-hem or get off the pot, Roger spends a lot of time searching for that stone circle. I can imagine that what he went through in deciding whether or not to go back home, was exactly the things he said to Alexandre in the idiot hut.  If he hadn't been thinking "me first" at some point, he wouldn't have spent so much time looking for the circle.

So, yes, out of context, but I think it worked if you condense those two scenarios together.

And what an ending. Again, so glad I read those parts of the book so I was prepared. Even more of an impact because they did the whole scene in complete silence. Then to find out the actress actually did step into that fire, even though she was totally protected, made it even more dramatic. Whew.

Ooh, last episode tomorrow already. This one I'm going to watch right away. Not going to wait at all like I have been doing. 


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #57 on: January 28, 2019, 12:23:46 PM »
HA! CALLED IT! Sorry for the shouting and they are going to carry that story forward. Murtagh and Jocasta. YES! Actually loads better than Jocasta and Duncan Innes.

Okay, so instead of Emily, Ian had to run the gauntlet. But I wish when he was celebrating a girl had looked at him with hero-worship and then she catches his eye and he gives her the look back. Just a brief moment that would have been nice, but not actually necessary for the plot. He can tell the story of his marriage and expulsion from the tribe when he eventually does come home.

When Bree sees Roger and goes running toward him, I though about Melanie when Ashley came home from the war.

That final bit with Jamie's orders from Tryon sets up the scenario for Fiery Cross. I may actually have to read that again before the next season starts.

A fitting end to an action packed season.

Droughtlander. Ugh.  :help


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #58 on: January 28, 2019, 03:55:38 PM »
OoooooHhhhhhh Kaaaaayyyyyy ...

Good season finale ... Maggie Ann, hats off to you for CALLING IT!

Now WHEN WHEN WHEN will Season 5 air ?????
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2019, 01:20:33 AM »
Did you notice that the Indian sitting on the park bench was Otter Tooth? I didn't realize that until I woke up at 4am. I must have been dreaming about the episode.

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2019, 01:30:12 AM »
Okay, you made me look.

They won't start filming Season 5 until next month but there will only be 12 episodes so 8-9 months filming time. They're looking at Winter 2020, so the air date will probably be a year from now.

I guess there's no rush to read book 5 again. Piffle.  :rant
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 01:34:42 AM by Maggie Ann »


Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!
The following users thanked this post: Maggie Ann


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2019, 04:28:57 PM »
And on this ... I shall wait for a price decline. I've got all of the episodes Tivo'd, so I can wait for it to come down in price:

‘Outlander’ Season Four Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Available for Pre-Order
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2019, 04:45:07 PM »
Okay, you made me look.

They won't start filming Season 5 until next month but there will only be 12 episodes so 8-9 months filming time. They're looking at Winter 2020, so the air date will probably be a year from now.

I guess there's no rush to read book 5 again. Piffle.  :rant

That is sooooooo....... DISAPPOINTING. I really thought I head read somewhere that they had already started filming Season 5  :HB  :rant  :evil2: {crying great big crocodile tears here}
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #64 on: January 30, 2019, 11:44:37 PM »
Very interesting article

Outlander’s Willingness to Depart From the Books Has Made It Better

Definitely interesting. And I agree. In the main, the changes have enhanced the show. I'm particularly happy with Frank in Season 2, telling Claire how he felt, and in this season, having his moments with Bree.

Did Jamie and Claire really need to be there for Jemmie's birth? For readers, we got that emotion in the book. For non-readers, it shouldn't have been missed because there was plenty of suspense and emotion the way they kept going back and forth from Bree to what was happening with Jamie, Claire and Roger.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, the article said that we find out Murtagh was killed at Culloden in Voyager. I was sure that when Jamie comes to on the battlefield in DiA he says that Murtagh is dead.


Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #65 on: January 30, 2019, 11:47:56 PM »
And on this ... I shall wait for a price decline. I've got all of the episodes Tivo'd, so I can wait for it to come down in price:

‘Outlander’ Season Four Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Available for Pre-Order

Pricey to say the least.

I only have Season 1 because I wanted a streaming copy, not a DVD. Since then, they haven't offered it in that format since. I think it's because I subscribed to Starz after season 1 and I can watch any of the episodes any time I want.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #66 on: February 04, 2019, 03:59:15 PM »
And on this ... I shall wait for a price decline. I've got all of the episodes Tivo'd, so I can wait for it to come down in price:

‘Outlander’ Season Four Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Available for Pre-Order

Pricey to say the least.

I only have Season 1 because I wanted a streaming copy, not a DVD. Since then, they haven't offered it in that format since. I think it's because I subscribed to Starz after season 1 and I can watch any of the episodes any time I want.

I have bought the video versions of all seasons as "Blu-Ray" discs that had a digital copy code. That way, I have the actual discs, but I also used the digital code to upload to Vudu & can watch any movie I've uploaded there wherever I am. That's the way I buy all my videos now. The digital copy doesn't have all the extras, nor do the regular DVD version discs. So you have to buy the Blu-ray version to get the extras & I don't think buying the version with the digital copy costs much (if any)more than the blu-ray without the digital copy. Vudu works with my Tivo & on my gadgets, plus in a web browser.
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!


Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2019, 12:28:09 AM »
And on this ... I shall wait for a price decline. I've got all of the episodes Tivo'd, so I can wait for it to come down in price:

‘Outlander’ Season Four Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Available for Pre-Order

Pricey to say the least.

I only have Season 1 because I wanted a streaming copy, not a DVD. Since then, they haven't offered it in that format since. I think it's because I subscribed to Starz after season 1 and I can watch any of the episodes any time I want.

I have bought the video versions of all seasons as "Blu-Ray" discs that had a digital copy code. That way, I have the actual discs, but I also used the digital code to upload to Vudu & can watch any movie I've uploaded there wherever I am. That's the way I buy all my videos now. The digital copy doesn't have all the extras, nor do the regular DVD version discs. So you have to buy the Blu-ray version to get the extras & I don't think buying the version with the digital copy costs much (if any)more than the blu-ray without the digital copy. Vudu works with my Tivo & on my gadgets, plus in a web browser.

My little DVD cabinet is full up. :) And I don't have a BluRay player. Oh, well, at least I can go back through Starz to watch any time I want.

And here's a great article (Has Spoilers!!!)

Sophie Skelton on Nailing Her Arduous Finale Scene: ‘I’m a Professional Fake-Birth-Giver Now’

Good article. Major props to Skelton for doing her homework.

Unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind that Jamie and Claire weren't there for the birth. It would have been a good vehicle for Jamie and Bree to reconnect, but that worked out as well. I think Sophie was right. It showed Brianna finding the strength to do this without her parents. Of course, we all know that there's no choice but to give birth at that stage, but there was no crying out for her mother, or screaming. Instead, she bore down and concentrated on the job at hand.



Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #69 on: January 02, 2020, 01:59:14 PM »
Reviving this ... Don't know how much longer "today" this offer will last, but CordCutters announced that STARZ has a 6-month offer for $19.95 (for the whole 6 months ... see it HERE!
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2020, 01:23:08 AM »
Reviving this ... Don't know how much longer "today" this offer will last, but CordCutters announced that STARZ has a 6-month offer for $19.95 (for the whole 6 months ... see it HERE!

Wow, that is definitely a deal. Thanks so much for letting me know.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #71 on: January 03, 2020, 11:46:32 AM »
STARZ extended the sale through tomorrow. Same link.
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #72 on: January 03, 2020, 12:02:44 PM »
STARZ extended the sale through tomorrow. Same link.

Got it. That is too good to pass up.


Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2020, 12:15:26 PM »
STARZ extended the sale through tomorrow. Same link.

Got it. That is too good to pass up.
Yep, that's what I decided as well!
Carol in 'burque ...
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to Skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and shouting: Damn-What a ride!
The following users thanked this post: Maggie Ann

Maggie Ann

Re: All things Outlander - Discuss books and Starz series here
« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2020, 12:19:27 PM »
STARZ extended the sale through tomorrow. Same link.

Got it. That is too good to pass up.
Yep, that's what I decided as well!

I was never that happy with book five, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what they are going to do with it. I think it will be awesome provided
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they don't kill off Murtagh