Episode 5 was just so ridiculous and overdone I honestly didn't hold much hope for episode 6, but I feel surprisingly satisfied. That could just be relief that it's finally over though..
Dany was always going to lose her sh*t at some point, and though it could have been done better in the previous episode, she needed to die. By season 7 I was really starting to dislike her. I'm glad Jon was the one who killed her, he was starting to look pretty spineless there for a while, but I've always liked him, and I'm happy he survived. Sending him back to the wall was a good call, he belongs there.
Season 7 was a hard one for me to get through, I didn't particularly like Arya's character arc for that season. There was some ridiculous moments with her in season 8 too, but again, sending her to explore west of Westeros was a good call. It feels true to her. What I did like about season 7 was Sansa. She did a lot of growing, and through her experiences seemed to get a grasp on the qualities needed to be a Queen, and I think she will be a good one. Compassionate or cold when she needs to be, but fair. I would have liked to see her get into a smackdown with Dany, but alas...
Bran becoming king makes sense I suppose, his arc always felt like it didn't have much purpose to it, so I can see why the writers went that way. But it still felt...I'm not even sure. Convenient maybe? Like he was made king as an afterthought? I don't feel an awful lot about it, his character wasn't terribly interesting to me after the first few seasons, it didn't feel like it was going anywhere but was just another side story.

Honestly I think they could have left out the whole thing with Jon not being Ned's bastard son and being next in line for the iron throne too, it didn't seem to make any difference to the tension or story. It didn't go anywhere, he just bent the knee.

There was a lot to not like about seasons 7 and 8, which in places just got more and more idiotic, but I couldn't be bothered right now. There were some characters that just felt like they were there for the sake of it, rather than having any real purpose or depth. Cersei just became a caricature of herself towards the end, there was no real growth. Tyrion I think mostly stayed true to his character, no real complaints there for the most part. It would have been hard to rein that last episode in after the previous ones, so I'm pleasantly surprised. It could have been much much worse.
One big loose end here is Dany. Man I hope they're not planning on doing something with that. She needs to stay gone, they've already cheapened the series with some ridiculous storylines, scenes shot purely for showing how great their special effects are (seriously, the scene in the first few episodes where Jon and Dany take a ride on the dragons? I thought I was watching a kids movie or something), and not enough care taken to even notice a coffee cup left in the shot. All the special effects and editing and no-one saw it? All those effects and no-one could cgi it out? Bit sloppy..
Oh, and don't get me started on Brienne and Tormund. It was necessary to have everyone else in the series get naked but we stopped with them? And she went with Jaime instead? They're the only characters I actually
wanted to get together. Everyone else I could have done without lol. Anyway I feel a major rant coming on, so I'll stop now.