Have to say I'm really liking Fergus this season. That's the Fergus I love.
I don't think Roger would ever think of putting himself first...which makes all of those scenes with Alexandre, the priest, off-putting.
Now I get what you mean. But I did read the last couple of parts in the book and I think it's not so out of character as you think. Yes, in the book Roger was very caring and comforting toward Alexandre.
But, again in the book, after Jamie dropped him off and basically told him to hem-hem or get off the pot, Roger spends a lot of time searching for that stone circle. I can imagine that what he went through in deciding whether or not to go back home, was exactly the things he said to Alexandre in the idiot hut. If he hadn't been thinking "me first" at some point, he wouldn't have spent so much time looking for the circle.
So, yes, out of context, but I think it worked if you condense those two scenarios together.
And what an ending. Again, so glad I read those parts of the book so I was prepared. Even more of an impact because they did the whole scene in complete silence. Then to find out the actress actually did step into that fire, even though she was totally protected, made it even more dramatic. Whew.
Ooh, last episode tomorrow already. This one I'm going to watch right away. Not going to wait at all like I have been doing.