I think the word 'vocation' throws people off. All too often it reminds us of automotive repair or maybe dental hygienists. But this same principle could teach accounting, coding, illustration, graphic design, 3D art, software literacy, journalism, languages, music, photography and medical technology, as well as construction, trades and even the ubiquitous dental hygiene.
As I said...I'm all for capitalism, but...
We have to remove the profit motive from basic human necessities, like medical care, education and some form of an unemployment safety net. Managing prisons is a for-profit enterprise in America, literally making money off of the incarceration of people - of other human beings, kind of like slavery. It's sickening. And we wonder why we lock up more people than any other nation on earth. These same companies have lobbyists, thereby shaping the law as it pertains to, yep, locking people up - and keeping them locked up. That the system is tilted against poor urban neighborhoods - that's shorthand for racist as f*ck - makes it all the more inhumane.
And don’t even get me started on the rising cost of life-saving medication that, until very recently, was dirt cheap, such as epipens or insulin. Epipens went from around $100 for a two-pack to over $700 in the last couple of years, just so they could make more money. A vile of insulin went from, adjusted for inflation, $10 in the 90’s to over $300 today. Duh fuque!? We – that is, our current government – is literally allowing pharmaceutical companies to murder people, in order to squeeze out a little more profit. Health insurance works the same way. Like I said, it’s sickening. These companies were already worth bazillions, but apparently that’s not enough. This is where the Caligula reference becomes relevant.
Anyway, how about giving kids, including those from poor neighborhoods, an opportunity...like a free education? Can you imagine how much day to day stress would disappear if we knew that an education was available to everyone? That there was hope to go along with the accountability the elite are always droning on about? Actually, we don't have to imagine it, most of Scandinavia works like this, which is why it is considered the happiest place on Earth. Education, unemployment, health care, all of the basic needs are provided for, so that the people can get on with enjoying themselves.
Now, the conspiracy minded will say that all of this (the blinding of the sheeple) is by design, that the ruling elite don't want an educated populous, because people like that tend to hold said ruling class accountable. The last time it happened, on a large scale, they opened up the Bastille and separated a significant number of heads from bodies. Lesson learned?
The whole thing kind of reminds me of AMS and CPC marketing. Paying for access.
If we applied this logic to education, then only the highest bidding students would get the best classes, not because they're more deserving or more accomplished or because they would benefit more, but simply because their parents have deeper pockets. If we apply the same thing to universities, like the scandal, then the students of wealthy parents get better resumes, because they'd fill up all of the top classes and schools. And even after school, what if we had to pay employers for the opportunity to submit a resume, and your paycheck would be the difference between your bid and the actual salary?
When we look at platform specific CPC marketing (AMS) like this, the predatory ridiculousness of it is obvious.