I started out page-turning but eventually switched to scrolling. The shift happened after mobile browsers got much better at rendering text (and probably blog hosts & other websites got better at optimizing content for phone screens!). I don't remember exactly when, but I was trying to read a Kindle book that hadn't been formatted very well—odd line breaks and such—and in exasperation I toggled to scrolling instead.
It worked fine. I never switched back.
Although I think if I owned a tablet, and used it to read books and magazines, I would probably switch back to page-turns. Reading a long article, and definitely any book, on a phone is like driving with a viewslit instead of a windshield. It's better than not making the drive at all! But if my screen were the size of a comic book or a magazine, I would want to swipe through the pages.
Scrolling works best for me right now, with the screen I have.