I have been on a Mary Lancaster Regency romance kick. First I read her Unmarriagables series and then her Imperial Season series taking place in Vienna--very strong Georgette Heyer feel from those, by turns romantic, suspenseful, and hilarious. Vienna Waltz is the first. I haven't read this many books this fast in years. None of her characters come across as cookie cutter. Even her villains, though often smooth society types, are different from each other. Now I'm starting her longest series, the Blackhaven Brides. Lots of fun ahead, I hope.
What gives me pause, though, is how little money she's getting out of my reading her books. I read them all in Kindle Unlimited, and since they are short, she might get a dollar for each book. Then I bought the first three--for the princely total of $6.97. That's a tragically small amount of money for so much reading enjoyment.
Which I suppose is why I'm mentioning her here, so word of mouth can possibly sell more of her delightful books.