METHOD 4 on the page is the last best answer, update the device drivers.
Given the previous information, this would be my number one suspect as well.
As a first recommendation, I would check for Windows Updates (it will do it itself, but you can manually go into the settings and search for the "Update" section to make it search immediately). It may be as simple as there is a new update that will download the drivers for you.
I will say as a sort of Catch-22, Windows will often break drivers itself through a Windows update. It's possible Windows updated one day and installed a faulty/incorrect USB driver which caused the problem so suddenly.
Now, for someone who's a bit cautious or inexperienced with the detailed workings of computers, I would say don't go looking for drivers yourself. Your tech guy should know how, but the short version is you can go to the manufacturer's website for the computer (or motherboard, if you built it yourself) and search the model number to find the most up-to-date drivers to install.
If you have critical files on the USB drive you must access, it would probably be fastest at this time to borrow a friend's computer and email the files to yourself.
I see that Windows Help Centre has a "How to Repair Usb Port Not Working Errors" that you can download and run.
I have personally tried looking and did not find such a page with such a tool. If you have a link to the page we could double check. If the website is from, the tools are generally safe to run.