As Timothy points out, mall traffic did bounce back, a lot of which was due to the end of the pandemic and people wanting to do something they hadn't been able to do. However, since mall sales had been declining for some time before the pandemic, I think it's safe to say that once the thrill of being able to go to the mall subsides, mall traffic will start declining again. In the US, one third of all malls had closed before the pandemic.
And because so many book stores had already closed, I doubt the post-pandemic benefited them very much. I use to have seven BN and Borders stores within reasonable driver distance, and going a little further added another five. Now there's one, as I mentioned, in a crowded center without much parking.
I haven't done this in a long time, but when I used to drive on some of the major freeways in the my area, I could spot a bookstores (Usually BN) frequently, as a lot of them were close to freeway offramps. From checking online, I can tell most of them are gone.
My local mall hasn't had a bookstore in it in years. And as time has passed, it's become mostly clothing stores (because people still like to try on clothing).
Oh, I forgot to mention Westwood (where the UCLA campus is located). Since the campus came first, and then Westwood developed around it, it was a very college-oriented place. One of my professors used to joke that it was the only community of its size to have 14 movie theaters and no grocery store, though since then, a rather large grocery store has moved in. But the bookstores moved out. When I was a student at UCLA, which was admittedly a few years decades ago, there were about ten bookstores, a mix of new and used. Now there only appears to be one (if Yelp is to be believed). I can find a few in the surrounding area, but usually they are specialized in one type of book rather than begin more general.