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What Is Copilot and Is It Better Than ChatGPT?


For those of you that are interested, Copilot is Microsoft’s personalized version/s of ChatGPT.


Jeff Tanyard:
Lest we forget the historical nature of this company and its founder, here's a little reminder:


"There won’t be anything we won’t say to people to try and convince them that our way is the way to go."

Post-Crisis D:

--- Quote from: Jeff Tanyard on December 06, 2023, 07:11:48 AM ---Lest we forget the historical nature of this company and its founder, here's a little reminder:


"There won’t be anything we won’t say to people to try and convince them that our way is the way to go."

--- End quote ---

And, let's not forget his multiple visits to a certain island . . .

Bill Hiatt:
I'm adopting a wait-and-see attitude. At best, AI's tendency for inaccuracy on nonfiction topics would make me wary of using AI assistance for anything requiring accuracy.

I think I recall Amazon made a deal with Anthropic (though I might be wrong about which company it was), and I now see what I'm better are AI summaries on some product pages. I checked a few of them, and they seem to be accurate summaries of the reviews involved, though I think it's easier for AI handle something with that finite a data set and that specific a subject.


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