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A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive

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Though I personally believe unbridled AI poses a dangerous threat to humanity, this article shows the potential for good that AI can do when used responsibly.

Note: You may encounter a paywall.

Definitely a paywall.

As for the title, I'd call BS on that straight away.

I usually grump alongside Tim but offer only a half-grump this time - yes, AI can do some very worthy things but it cannot write a novel worth reading / appealing to readers 50yrs from now.  Bc its a tool w/no human genius.  Our current problem is thinking that AI can do more than it can.


--- Quote from: Hopscotch on March 12, 2024, 08:49:13 AM ---I usually grump alongside Tim but offer only a half-grump this time - yes, AI can do some very worthy things but it cannot write a novel worth reading / appealing to readers 50yrs from now.  Bc its a tool w/no human genius.  Our current problem is thinking that AI can do more than it can.
--- End quote ---

Thinking, no.

Being TOLD by media hype is what's going on.

It's being hyper marketed. And as usual, the ads have no basis in reality.

Post-Crisis D:
We were supposed to have flying cars decades ago.

Sure, today, there are some flying cars, but most people only see them in videos.  We don't have skyways full of people flying their cars here and there.

There is the future that people are convinced will be reality and then there is the reality that is the future.


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