Author Topic: Sleeping Cat Books - Publishing Services for Indie Authors  (Read 1699 times)

Sleeping Cat Books

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Sleeping Cat Books - Publishing Services for Indie Authors
« on: September 29, 2018, 01:35:10 AM »
Hello! Sleeping Cat Books has been in the indie author services business since 2006. We understand how confusing the world of publishing can be, and we're here to help. We'd love to discuss your project with you, and determine how best to tailor our services to your needs.  We provide editing, proofreading, and print, ebook, and some cover design services.

Our goal is to help you reach yours!

Basic ebook formatting (novels, nonfiction with few images):
I will work with you to design a look for the book, then lay out the content and provide an .epub proof for your review. If corrections are needed, you provide a list of such to me and I then provide you a new proof file; up to three rounds of proofs are included in the fee. After we have agreed to all contract terms and agreed on an overall design for the book, I can have the first proof file to you for review within 10 business days.

Custom print formatting (novels, nonfiction with few images):
I will work with you to design a customized look for the book using Adobe InDesign, then lay out the content and provide a PDF proof for your review. If corrections are needed, you provide a list of such to me and I then provide you a new PDF proof; up to three rounds of PDF proofs are included in the fee. After we have agreed to all contract terms and agreed on an overall design for the book, I can have the first PDF proof to you for review within 10 business days.

Copyediting & proofreading: rates vary.
Each manuscript is unique, and therefore each requires a different level of effort and amount of time. I prefer to see the manuscript before I provide a rate quote, so that I can judge the level of editing and amount of time it would require.

For an idea of current market rates for publishing-related services, please visit

My process is to complete a full edit using MS Word's Track Changes, and creating a Style Sheet as I go. The style sheet contains character and other story details to ensure they remain consistent, as well as style decisions I've made as I edit. Once this first pass is complete, I return the manuscript to you, along with a PDF copy of the style sheet. You review the edits and use the Accept button in MS Word to accept those changes you agree with. For changes that you do not agree with, I ask that you do not use the Reject button, but instead insert a Comment in the margin explaining why you do not agree. I also use the Comment feature to request clarification or explain certain decisions and edits.

After you've gone through the entire manuscript and addressed all edits, you will return it to me and I will make a second pass of the full manuscript to clean up any remaining errors and ensure that you have a clean manuscript. This second pass is included in the quoted rate.

Package Deals
If you'd like more than one service, contact us for a package rate.

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« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 11:55:00 PM by Sleeping Cat Books »
Providing editing and book design services to independent authors

Sarah Holroyd | Sleeping Cat Books | discussion