Reader's Library > Book Promotion Board [Public]
[A.L. Hawke] New Release Harmonia, prequel to the Azure Series
I'm excited to announce the launch of my Greek myth fantasy book Harmonia , prequel to my Azure Blue Series!
Available here:
Amazon women wage war on man.
In the late Bronze Age, the fourteenth century B.C., an Amazon nymph dares steal forbidden fruit from the gods. But Harmonia Ambrosia’s crime is not only the taste of a pomegranate, her offense is far worse when seized within enemy lands.
Greek gods descend from Mount Olympus. Demeter and her daughter Persephone, also known as Cora, look down upon this rebel. But not Hades. Hades becomes enamored with her.
With enchanted gifts of war from her lover and champion god Hades, Harmonia fights the dwarfs of Napea and the Hinterland tribes of man. Soon she and her daughter, the princess Nefertiti, lead an Amazon army so far south it even threatens the Pharaoh Amenhotep III of Egypt. But as total conquest lies finally within her grasp, only by sacrifice to gods she loathes can there be any hope of reclaiming peace with man.
I seem to be the only one reviving this "book promotion" board, but I think it's good to have a forum to show off our new stuff to each other.
Anyway, Beltane Fire. Be freely entertained by my new narrated book trailer to start the Halloween season. I'm releasing it now because my short story Beltane Fire is going on sale this month. Narrated by Alexa Elmy and created by Cinematic Book Trailers:
Not sure how to embed the link; Click below for the LINK TO THE TRAILER on YouTube:
Bill Hiatt:
The trailer is a lot less generic than some of the ones I've seen and thus very much more effective.
While I am still skeptical about the impact book trailers actually have, a company like this might make me rethink that position. Please let us know what impact the video has for you.
Also, congratulations on Harmonia. You've used Greek myths as a source of inspiration very effectively.
--- Quote from: Bill Hiatt on September 30, 2023, 11:31:55 PM ---While I am still skeptical about the impact book trailers actually have, a company like this might make me rethink that position. Please let us know what impact the video has for you.
--- End quote ---
I can already tell you cause I did the whole series. They're all on my YouTube page.
Cinematic Book Trailers did an amazing job and they're affordable. I'd argue they're the best in the business for cost and quality. Trouble is, writers don't have enough money to spend on these things. Trailers are branding methods, not sales methods. I can't track the sales. But I felt I could splurge in order to further push my series at large. And I was able to get a major discount on narration as I used my same audiobook narrator while she was making the audiobooks.
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