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[A.L. Hawke] New Release Harmonia, prequel to the Azure Series

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Bill Hiatt:
Perhaps I'm just slow-witted this afternoon, but isn't there a connection between branding and sales. Otherwise, why bother with branding. But I certainly get what you mean about not being able to track sales. Except with a book that's dead and then suddenly starts selling, it's hard to know where sales come from. As I think about, an uncharacteristically big jump in sales might also be telling if you had only changed one thing in close proximity to the sales.

Yes, you got me there. I meant they don't work well for tracking direct sales. I haven't seen a spike in sales after a trailer's release.

Trailers can be fun, but since they are not books, I never have felt they truly connect with the product we are selling. Sure, maybe the famous voiceover guy, "In a world..." But what we can afford? Nah.

Bill Hiatt:
The ones from Cinematic Book Trailers do look a lot more professional than some I've seen and might make some difference.

Part of the problem is that our audience is spoiled. They're so used to multimillion-dollar Hollywood special effects that they whine if the CGI isn't 1000% perfect. It's hard to make a book trailer that lives up to such a high standard.

The one exception I can recall from several years ago was an author whose son was a director and willing to work for free. The author did have to pay actors, etc., but her son got her a good deal. The result was a Hollywood-style trailer. You easily have thought it was advertising a movie. But, as I've mentioned, the circumstances that led to its production were unique. And had the book been fantasy or sci-fi, even those unique conditions might not have produced a competitive trailer.


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