Lots of tech companies give vague or even insulting error messages.
A long time ago, I had a webpage shut down by one of these companies for a non-specific rules violation. The error message that displayed to visitors to the page strongly implied I was guilty of plagiarism or copyright infringement. When I contacted them to see what the problem was, all they did was send me a list of their rules and tell me I needed to comply. Since I could not see any rule I had broken and since they could not tell me what the problem was, there was no way I could comply.
I removed all of my pages from their service and went elsewhere. That company is long gone now. And good riddance.
I did use public domain content on that page. They had no rules prohibiting using public domain content. I didn't claim the public domain content as my own, so plagiarism doesn't apply. Since it was public domain content, copyright infringement does not apply. I don't know if either of those were an issue since they would not tell me. They did not ask for proof or documentation that I had the right to use any content; if they had, I could have shown them where it was public domain content. All I can do is guess and there is no way to bring something in compliance with rules when you cannot find out what rule you allegedly violated.
I mean, these huge tech companies have bots and AI and whatnot to write messages and even try to write novels and stuff, yet we are expected to believe they are completely unable to identify specific errors or specific rules that have been broken?
Despite whatever they say, you are not a partner or valued team member or part of their community or whatever flowery prose they use to make you feel all special and part of something. You are nothing to them and, given time and opportunity, they will treat you like that.
IMHO, that is another reason why people need to not rely on or build a livelihood or anything around any specific tech company or companies. Always have alternatives. Do not be reliant upon Amazon or Facebook or whoever to reach your audience/customers. They will always have the upper hand and they will use it.