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Think my first book and its sequel's title are too close?

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Gregg Bell:
The first book is titled The Perfect Lawyer and the sequel is The Perfect Prosecutor. I never considered them being too close until this:

What do you think?

No. The Harry Potter title was changed for the dumb-and-dumber U.S. market. Those are not two different books.

I assume the issue is that he's trying to be perfect and he isn't or he's conflicted because he can't be that empty suit of perfection. Unless you're being ironic or sarcastic or whatever.

However, if you repeat perfect, you need to carry it in the same position in the title for the next titles--all exactly three words again--for branding. Which should be fine.


--- Quote from: Gregg Bell on October 15, 2024, 06:16:15 AM ---The first book is titled The Perfect Lawyer and the sequel is The Perfect Prosecutor. I never considered them being too close until this:

What do you think?
--- End quote ---

Your audience knows the difference.

Anyone who reads books with lawyer in them knows a prosecutor is on one side, and a normal lawyer is on the other.

Lawyer is generic, prosecutor is a specific job, with more prestige until a lawyer is actually known for something special.

Anyone thinking them too similar is not your target audience.

Nah. I really don't think they're too close. However, I do wonder if it'll be difficult to keep a series going for any length of time with the same title arrangement if you confine yourself to The Perfect xxx.

Gregg Bell:

--- Quote from: LilyBLily on October 15, 2024, 07:23:57 AM ---No. The Harry Potter title was changed for the dumb-and-dumber U.S. market. Those are not two different books.

I assume the issue is that he's trying to be perfect and he isn't or he's conflicted because he can't be that empty suit of perfection. Unless you're being ironic or sarcastic or whatever.

However, if you repeat perfect, you need to carry it in the same position in the title for the next titles--all exactly three words again--for branding. Which should be fine.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, Lily. That's a relief. (I'm running into enough trouble with this book!) And yes, I plan on getting the text placement equally in both covers. And the MC is definitely not perfect but was once jealously nicknamed that by other attorneys.


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