Corporate Sector > What are Amazon doing now? [Public]

R.I.P. Kindle Vella

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Just got the email. They're finally axing Kindle Vella. "We've made the difficult decision to gradually wind down Kindle Vella in February 2025 as the program hasn't caught on as we'd hoped."

I don't really know what their hopes for the program were, seeing as how they scarcely advertised it over the years, but those few who actually managed to earn decent bonuses are likely to be mad about this. I'm just surprised that they didn't pull the plug sooner.

Jeff Tanyard:
Yeah, I had a hard time convincing myself that Vella was a better path than publishing full-length novels as usual.  I got the feeling that Amazon didn't really care if it worked or not and was just going through the motions in order to have a product comparable to those at competing sites.

Not glad to see it fail but definitely saw it coming. They treated it like a failed project from the start.

They never even made it available to everyone, so no surprise it failed.

I read parts of a book by a favorite author in Vella, but since she was writing it as she went, I was reading too fast for her. That's the reality for a voracious genre reader. We gulp books down. A long, drawn-out serial is not for us.


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