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Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Also Boughts now include sponsored ads
« Last post by Anarchist on January 11, 2025, 04:14:31 AM »
Marketing Loft [Public] / Also Boughts now include sponsored ads
« Last post by alhawke on January 11, 2025, 03:41:59 AM »
Okay, I set a personal New Years resolution to be positive.  :shrug I'm trying. But I just read this article and had to share it with you cause it's pretty big. It's Hidden Gems' most recent blog. In a nutshell, it claims Amazon is now posting sponsored ads in the also bought section which totally disrupts organic growth sales. Have you seen this? I actually haven't. Your thoughts? I highly recommend you guys read this blog:

I think this is pretty big stuff. You know, being wide, I see every retailer has its methods of discovery. For me, Apple has been pretty abysmal over the past year. Barnes and Noble has been down over the past month, but I've done okay. But I see huge differences in things like reviews. On B&N, I've sold thousands of books only to end up with a handful of reviews. Because the B&N culture of readers really doesn't do reviews like the Amazon . At least for me. My point is, every retailer works differently. But...

Amazon is an Indie writer's bread and butter. I know some have successfully left it and are independent selling direct, but the majority of us, me included, still rely on the retailer to earn sales over any other retailer. Thing is, this appears to be more and more in jeopardy. I don't think direct sales is the answer, because, how do you get enough visibility?--unless you already a large audience garnered.

I'm responding by churning out more books and grouping books into series. Series books, and boxed sets, have been selling better for my romance fantasy genre. I'm also producing audiobooks-- a pricey endeavor. And I carry on. Because I'm happy to know people are reading my stuff. That's huge for me. But I agree with the writer of the blog that these new changes, including changes with the Amazon carousel, hurt organic sales for Indie writers.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on January 10, 2025, 09:26:10 PM »
Decided to try one of my Leon Chameleon PI children's books with Bookdoggy. Children's books are a difficult sell so we'll see what happens. eBookDaily has different charges depending on the genre. Romance charges are $20. Children's Books are $5, so that tells you a lot about the clicks that children's book receive. :icon_rolleyes:
Bar & Grill [Public] / Re: What Did You Blog About Today
« Last post by Vijaya on January 09, 2025, 06:19:45 AM »
I uploaded some videos from the wedding:
Some of them didn't load, not sure why, and I tried multiple times so if anybody has some tips, I'd appreciate them.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on January 09, 2025, 05:49:57 AM »


As I recall BookDoggy accepts your ad pretty quickly. So yes, I wait to know I have the ad before making the book free.

Thanks. They seem to offer quite a lot. They just have the one price for all genres, which is a good, and a bad thing as children's books are poor sellers and less likely to make your money back, but I like that romance is not outrageously expensive.  :)
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on January 09, 2025, 05:45:30 AM »
Thing is, BookBub's featured promo is exepensive, Jan, but it is becoming the only promo in town that might help get your money back. It's expensive, but well worth ranking and visibility. The majority of the Bookbub promos I've run have made all my $ back.

For less expensive promos for a sale, take a look at WrittenWord Media--which now has most of the others. Also, Bookdoggy, I use now regularly; others to consider are JustKindleBooks (cheapest) & Many Books. Also Bookspry is brand new and very good with results.

Thanks. I'm looking at Bookdoggy and will check out the others.  :)
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Gregg Bell on January 09, 2025, 05:36:41 AM »
I've had good success with BookDoggy, Jan. Hardly too much more. $21/free $24/discounted

Thanks for this link :tup3b. I hadn't heard of them. I like that they have a long and varied list of genres. I'll definitely give them a try. Do you wait to see if they have accepted you before planning to make a book free?

As I recall BookDoggy accepts your ad pretty quickly. So yes, I wait to know I have the ad before making the book free.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by alhawke on January 09, 2025, 01:35:39 AM »
Thing is, BookBub's featured promo is exepensive, Jan, but it is becoming the only promo in town that might help get your money back. It's expensive, but well worth ranking and visibility. The majority of the Bookbub promos I've run have made all my $ back.

For less expensive promos for a sale, take a look at WrittenWord Media--which now has most of the others. Also, Bookdoggy, I use now regularly; others to consider are JustKindleBooks (cheapest) & Many Books. Also Bookspry is brand new and very good with results.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on January 09, 2025, 12:25:54 AM »
I've had good success with BookDoggy, Jan. Hardly too much more. $21/free $24/discounted

Thanks for this link :tup3b. I hadn't heard of them. I like that they have a long and varied list of genres. I'll definitely give them a try. Do you wait to see if they have accepted you before planning to make a book free?
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Ad pricing has become prohibitive
« Last post by Gregg Bell on January 08, 2025, 10:41:26 AM »
I've had good success with BookDoggy, Jan. Hardly too much more. $21/free $24/discounted
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