Author Topic: Hallmark Publishing is Closing  (Read 3359 times)


Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« on: October 14, 2022, 03:43:51 AM »
The news is going around FB. So far the only article is from Publishers Marketplace so unless you have an account, you won't be able to read the whole thing. But if you are in the FB writing groups (especially in romance circles) you will hear it soon if not already. I am not surprised at all. Authors say HM never put much into the publishing arm and had only one woman running it and she seemed overwhelmed. I am sure also they didn't have many submissions. Let's be real, most authors are going indie and many of these pubs are losing revenue because of it. So another bites the dust. I feel sorry for any authors that got hurt by this and hope they either find a new home for their work or self-publish. What is so horrible is HM was stilll taking submissions recently and a lot of authors are left in the lurch who just send submissions. HM had to have known this was going to happen yet still had people subbing to them as recently as this month. Instead of being forthcoming, authors and agents wasted their time with this place. This decision didn't just happen in a day or a week, trust me. They've known all along they were in trouble.

Here is the article:

If you don't have an account you can see just enough to see it's official news.

Bill Hiatt

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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2022, 04:07:08 AM »
That's sad--and very abrupt. With Hallmark Channel cranking out movies by the bushel, it never occurred to me that their publishing arm might be in trouble.

As I recall, they were still taking unagented submissions. It's always sad to lose a publisher who still does that.

Tickling the imagination one book at a time
Bill Hiatt | fiction website | Facebook author page |
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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2022, 11:43:22 PM »
I've got to say they haven't stood a chance in the clean market. Indies really have that market locked down tight. I had no idea how they were making money, especially with a huge drop in actual stores with covid closing them for a long while.

That said i hope Hallmark Channel starts producing movies from some of the popular indie authors. Though do they really need them as formulaic as their movies are? i mean it's a running joke on how they're created. That said people still looooooooooooooooooove them. So why fix something that isn't broken.
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Bill Hiatt

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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2022, 12:26:45 AM »
I've got to say they haven't stood a chance in the clean market. Indies really have that market locked down tight. I had no idea how they were making money, especially with a huge drop in actual stores with covid closing them for a long while.

That said i hope Hallmark Channel starts producing movies from some of the popular indie authors. Though do they really need them as formulaic as their movies are? i mean it's a running joke on how they're created. That said people still looooooooooooooooooove them. So why fix something that isn't broken.
Hallmark Channel had at the least the possibility of producing movies derived from novels published by Hallmark Publishing. (I read some of the Hallmark Publishing documents once just out of curiosity, and there was a section devoted to terms related to Hallmark books becoming Hallmark movies.) I'm sure how many books actually got pulled into that pipeline, but if it were a decent number, maybe the Hallmark Channel will start looking at indies as a replacement for that source. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

I had read some time ago that even major publishers were cutting their romance offerings down to a few established names because of the indie success in the genre, while others were dropping romance altogether. And one of Data Guy's last published reports  had a majority of romance sales on Amazon coming from indies. (That was also true for fantasy and science fiction, though I think romance was the one with the biggest indie domination.)

It's really a great achievement for indie romance writers. It's one thing for a few authors to become bestsellers. Even that's incredibly tough to do. But to have indies dominate a whole genre is truly amazing.

Tickling the imagination one book at a time
Bill Hiatt | fiction website | Facebook author page |


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2022, 01:21:34 AM »
Which is a sad thing and a happy thing. Traditional publishers should be upping their game. They have the money and power behind them they just need to update their practices a bit. Some truly amazing authors are out there that just weren't made to be indie. Indie publishing requires way more skill than writing a good book nowadays

On the other hand, it's truly amazing how a group (mostly comprised of stay at home mothers) up ended major titans of the industry. 


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2022, 02:23:32 AM »
I've got to say they haven't stood a chance in the clean market. Indies really have that market locked down tight. I had no idea how they were making money, especially with a huge drop in actual stores with covid closing them for a long while.

That said i hope Hallmark Channel starts producing movies from some of the popular indie authors. Though do they really need them as formulaic as their movies are? i mean it's a running joke on how they're created. That said people still looooooooooooooooooove them. So why fix something that isn't broken.

I agree and they'd put up roadblocks making it harder to submit. When they first started, you didn't have to have an agent. I believe they moved to you having to have an agent a few years ago so many authors didn't deal with it. They were the same way as other pubs, highlighting a few of their top people and no one else. I know several Hallmark authors whose books don't sell half as well as indies especially not at 5.99. Hallmark lured authors in by having them think their books would be movies. That was a very, very tiny percentage of authors, ones who were established and already big sellers. The average author (and especially not the newbies) didn't get movie deals. People don't realize that Hallmark does not have to rely on books for movie ideas. They have more than enough writers, producers, and filmmakers throwing scripts at them. But many authors got stars in their eyes and thought they could get a movie deal and it was rare.

Outside of trade, I hear nothing about their books and never even see them. Maybe they made waves in trade. I do know some readers who read them but I didn't see them making any more of a splash with readers than any other romance pub doing sweet romance. And the books were 5.99 each at least making it even harder to compete.

Indies rule sweet romance. We rule ALL romance and it's the pubs trying to play catch-up with us and when they can't, they close.  :shrug

Also, sure is funny they close up when before they get ready to publish their first LGBTQ title. And that was a huge issue too. Hallmark is no friend of the LGBTQ crowd. They've been discriminating toward LGBTQ since they started their network channels. For some reason, they thought LGBTQ people couldn't be in G-rated films or movies. HM spent its first 10 years or more catering to the Christian Romance crowd then they started getting hell for its lack of diversity and ratings got low then they finally decided to diversify. It was the same with the publishing company. They hardly signed any POC or LGBTQ works then started to lately probably because the publishing arm was losing money and not retaining authors.

I doubt HM will be paying attention to indies and yes, the movies will always be formulaic. They got about 5 plots and that's it:

1. Big-time businesswoman inherits her dead uncle's old farm and has to move back to the town and she falls for the local handyman.

2. Single, workaholic dad left with the kids doesn't know how to raise the children and spends no time with them, then hires a housekeeper (who has no luck finding the right man) and they fall in love. She of course teaches him how to be a better father while he shows her she's worthy of true love.  :icon_rolleyes:

3. Woman falls in love with a man who turns out to be a dead angel, a British prince (yeah, who happens to just be stranded in her small, no-nothing town) or if it's Christmas he'll be the real Santa Claus or a descendent of Santa.
4. Woman goes back to her hometown because she's failing in her career and love, and finds out the old lady who owns the cookie shop she loved as a kid, can't pay her bills so the bank is trying to take the cookie shop so the woman fights to help the old woman and it turns out her old boyfriend is the banker trying to steal the shop.

5. Businesswoman or female TV producer (who hates Christmas. Gotta hate Christmas!) is taking a trip during Christmastime and gets stranded in the snow. She has to stay at the Inn in this tiny little town and ends up becoming friends with the old couple who own the Inn who then try to matchmake the woman up with the single father carpenter who loves Christmas so much he shows the woman the true meaning. In the end, they go to the Christmas Tree Lighting, stare up at the tree, and kiss. Roll credits!

And the movies never take place in the big city. It's always some little tiny town or a ranch.

There you go. I just wrote HM's new lineup for the entire 2023 season.  :hehe

 I can't stand HM movies. The only thing I like is their mystery channel and I watch Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder and some of the other crime shows they rerun. I can't take those sappy movies. And those Christmas movies... :HB LOL! But, they do have a dedicated audience. But, no I don't expect HM to change their structure and this is one thing authors didn't like about the publishing arm. They had to construct their books to a tight, rigid format. Just like the movies. No originality, etc.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 02:46:03 AM by writeway »
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Lorri Moulton

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2022, 04:25:39 AM »
Every year, I watch A Season for Miracles...but that's a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie.

Author of Romance, Fantasy, Fairytales, Mystery & Suspense, and Historical Non-Fiction @ Lavender Cottage Books


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2022, 10:16:32 AM »
I know several people who were excited at the prospect of selling to Hallmark, but were disappointed even though they write totally clean and know and even love the Hallmark movies. They're not going to be happy about this.

I've never seen any, but as I understand it, everybody is white and wears white cable-knit sweaters and sits by a cozy upscale fireplace drinking herbal tea or hot chocolate and there's just one super clean kiss in the whole movie. Not my reality.


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2022, 11:16:16 PM »
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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2022, 09:44:15 AM »
Maybe I just needed a Hallmark movie generator to be able to write romance. Think of all the years I've wasted, wandering the wilderness. So sad.
I write various flavors of speculative fiction. This is my main pen name.



Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2022, 10:36:48 AM »
Maybe I just needed a Hallmark movie generator to be able to write romance. Think of all the years I've wasted, wandering the wilderness. So sad.
I know this is a joke, but there are seriously books out there that help writers write a hallmark style book. Its specific almost to the page when you have to hit certain beats. I had a critique partner tell me that i didnt know how to write because i didn't follow this down to the word, and that i wouldn't make any money.
So far she's right. I've barely made a profit and she's made a boat load off of her hallmark books.
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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2022, 03:20:55 PM »
Maybe I just needed a Hallmark movie generator to be able to write romance. Think of all the years I've wasted, wandering the wilderness. So sad.
I know this is a joke, but there are seriously books out there that help writers write a hallmark style book. Its specific almost to the page when you have to hit certain beats. I had a critique partner tell me that i didnt know how to write because i didn't follow this down to the word, and that i wouldn't make any money.
So far she's right. I've barely made a profit and she's made a boat load off of her hallmark books.

Mills and Boon used to be the same.

Books had to hit everything exactly as specified or they didn't get accepted.
Genres: Space Opera/Fantasy/Cyberpunk, with elements of LitRPG and GameLit, with a touch of the Supernatural. Also Spiritual and Games.

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Post-Crisis D

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2022, 03:27:41 AM »
I know this is a joke, but there are seriously books out there that help writers write a hallmark style book. Its specific almost to the page when you have to hit certain beats.

Any recommended books?  I have a romance I've not been able to get to work in the romance outline I put together, but maybe I can get it to work in some other form.
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"
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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2022, 05:08:04 AM »
Romancing the beats is one thats highly recommened. I haven't read any of them. My books break every one of the rules.
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Lorri Moulton

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2022, 05:19:13 AM »
I like romantic suspense, so I binge on Humphrey Bogart/Lauren Bacall movies, then watch Alfred Hitchc*ck movies with Cary Grant. Plenty of inspiration in the classics. 

Did they seriously just censor Hitchc*ck? LOL

Author of Romance, Fantasy, Fairytales, Mystery & Suspense, and Historical Non-Fiction @ Lavender Cottage Books

Post-Crisis D

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2022, 05:40:45 AM »
Romancing the beats is one thats highly recommened. I haven't read any of them. My books break every one of the rules.

:shrug  That's the one I have and used to develop an outline template that I haven't been able to work my intended book into.

Did they seriously just censor Hitchc*ck? LOL

**** is censored too.  But only when using the plural form of moron.  As you can see, the singular is uncensored.  :shrug

Plus, when **** is replaced with ****, it makes it look like an actual four-letter word was used, which makes things worse, IMO.
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2022, 06:45:03 AM »
These types of books don't seem like you work the book you want into them. You create a book around them to suit their nuances.
I will say i don't believe a book can truly teach you how to write a romance. You need to understand the tropes and why they work or else its just words on a pg.

Post-Crisis D

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2022, 07:50:47 AM »
These types of books don't seem like you work the book you want into them. You create a book around them to suit their nuances.

I am looking at it from the story structure and the beats as to what happens when.  For example, in my case, I know the basic story and a couple key scenes.  What I need to do is fit those into an outline and then fill in the gaps.

So, I can work my book into a certain structure.  Say the structure/trope/beat requires the couple get a dog at a certain point.  I don't have plans for my couple to get a dog, but I also don't have plans for them not to do so.  So, if I need to have a plot point where they buy a dog, I could have them get a cat instead.  Or maybe they get a dog and the dog runs away.  Probably not a good idea to kill off the dog, but maybe the dog takes a liking to one of the couple's parents and ends up living with the parents instead.  Those ways, I fulfill the dog plot point while staying true to the story I want to tell.  Or maybe they get a robot dog.  Anyway, lots of options to work in the dog plot point and make it fit my story.
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2022, 09:36:25 AM »
Why not fit your story idea into a mystery or a thriller? They have plenty of "beats" and tropes. Or literary fiction? (Then you could kill the dog--in fact, you'd have to kill the dog.) Why burden poor old romance? It doesn't sound like a congenial fit for you.

Post-Crisis D

Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2022, 11:35:21 AM »
Why not fit your story idea into a mystery or a thriller? They have plenty of "beats" and tropes. Or literary fiction? (Then you could kill the dog--in fact, you'd have to kill the dog.) Why burden poor old romance? It doesn't sound like a congenial fit for you.

Boy meets girl, complications ensue, girl and boy end up together, HEA.  Not sure i can squeeze that into a mystery or thriller.
Mulder: "If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above."
The X-Files: "Blood"


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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2022, 11:53:05 AM »
Why not fit your story idea into a mystery or a thriller? They have plenty of "beats" and tropes. Or literary fiction? (Then you could kill the dog--in fact, you'd have to kill the dog.) Why burden poor old romance? It doesn't sound like a congenial fit for you.

Boy meets girl, complications ensue, girl and boy end up together, HEA.  Not sure i can squeeze that into a mystery or thriller.

Why not?

Mystery, thriller, space opera, fantasy - that's all setting and the story around the romance story. And most likely the source of the complications ensuing.

I'm actually sort of on that theme at the moment.

Boy got kidnapped, girl saves him, ditto, ditto, first date.

Not sure where it's going yet in that regard, but it could well become a HEA.

I'm actually writing a Space Mercenary story from the view of a civilian caught up in galactic affairs.

But it wouldn't take much to turn it into a proper romance set against the background of a space mercenary story which drives the romance.

I think the key is the word complications. Take those from the overall setting, and you can set the romance in any genre you like.

E2A: I was asked to look at a story a long time ago on the basis it was epic space opera. Well the setting was, but the actual story was a romance set on a ship. The blurb gave a totally wrong impression of the story, because it was all epic worldbuilding, and the story wasn't.

But that was a good example of a romance set on a spaceship, when it was supposed to be space opera.
Genres: Space Opera/Fantasy/Cyberpunk, with elements of LitRPG and GameLit, with a touch of the Supernatural. Also Spiritual and Games.

Timothy Ellis Kindle Author page. | Join the Hunter Legacy mailing list | The Hunter Imperium Universe on Facebook. | Forum Promo Page.


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2022, 09:40:24 PM »
These types of books don't seem like you work the book you want into them. You create a book around them to suit their nuances.

I am looking at it from the story structure and the beats as to what happens when.  For example, in my case, I know the basic story and a couple key scenes.  What I need to do is fit those into an outline and then fill in the gaps.

So, I can work my book into a certain structure.  Say the structure/trope/beat requires the couple get a dog at a certain point.  I don't have plans for my couple to get a dog, but I also don't have plans for them not to do so.  So, if I need to have a plot point where they buy a dog, I could have them get a cat instead.  Or maybe they get a dog and the dog runs away.  Probably not a good idea to kill off the dog, but maybe the dog takes a liking to one of the couple's parents and ends up living with the parents instead.  Those ways, I fulfill the dog plot point while staying true to the story I want to tell.  Or maybe they get a robot dog.  Anyway, lots of options to work in the dog plot point and make it fit my story.
I killed the dog in one of my standalone romances. The dog was kind of how they got together, then they were broken up, then the dog getting sick brought them back together again. Of course this is my book that got deranked since it hasn't sold a copy since 2020 and all of my standalones have terrible sales.

Bill Hiatt

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Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2022, 11:48:22 PM »
Sales are not always an indication of the quality of the material. I know some people who are great writers but not as great at marketing.

Personally, I think the dog idea was a good one. It sounds like something that could realistically happen.

Tickling the imagination one book at a time
Bill Hiatt | fiction website | Facebook author page |


Re: Hallmark Publishing is Closing
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2022, 01:11:08 AM »
Sales are not always an indication of the quality of the material. I know some people who are great writers but not as great at marketing.

Personally, I think the dog idea was a good one. It sounds like something that could realistically happen.
If you want to read my dead dog romance, PM me your email and I'll gift it to you. We'll get to see what happens to a unranked book when it gets a sale too. No worries if you aren't interested.