Of course, those among the ownership class are now calling for AI regulations. Of course they are...
They're selling the idea by using fear, citing an "existential risk".
But, the people at the top of a centuries-old power structure don't fear the end of humanity, they fear the end of their dominant position in the social hierarchy -
-if AI were to grow past human control and become artificial super intelligence.
In that scenario, you'd be talking about an even playing field, the end of money. The end of humanity? Perhaps. Sure, I won't pretend the risk doesn't exist at all.
But, also the opposite could also be just as likely. It could be an age of abundance, or "utopia", if you will.
BUT... where's the money in that?
There is simply no way the current wealth and power structure that's been in place for centuries is going to allow AI to develop to that point. It's no accident they're ringing the alarm over existential risk and clamoring for regulation. All 'they' care about is remaining on top. They'll get the 99% to support them too, by ramping up the fearmongering, and continue their whispers of a "Skynet" scenario to ensure everyone's afraid of what "could" happen.
But, let's be real...
They don't give two shakes about "Skynet", the old money lizards at the top would rather fall to Skynet than to suddenly find themselves in a utopia of plenty, where they're no more rich, nor more 'special' than the general populace.
So, I suppose what I'm saying is:
Don't fall for the fear-based lobbying.
All the ownership class is trying to do is get people and governments to regulate AI to the point where it never achieves super intelligence. But, not for the reasons they're stating. They don't actually fear what they're trying to make you fear.
They fear an even playing field, and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure if doesn't happen... watch.
Instead, they'll leverage the narrow-ish, walled-off versions of these AI/large language models, which they'll continue to hone and enhance, to introduce the masses to yet more rent-seeking and subscription services -
-except now you're paying the owners of the world "rent" and "premium plans" for things like longevity/medicine, transportation, and energy.
It's dystopia all the way down.
As much as I admire people's enthusiasm, and would love nothing more than Ray Kurzweil's idea of The Singularity, the powers-that-be will simply never let that happen.
And, what's worse is they're going to successfully convince the general public [who would be better off taking the risk of Skynet, for the potential reward of utopia] into agreeing with them.