Author Topic: Anyone need translations into German?  (Read 436 times)

David VanDyke

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Anyone need translations into German?
« on: June 15, 2023, 05:00:16 AM »
If anyone's looking for another good translator from English to German, I've run out of work for my current translation team. They are a spousal team, native German speakers from Germany, currently living in the US, with university educations.

Their rates are in the middle ranges of what you might expect to pay--I won't quote numbers because that's between you and them.

For the books they did for me, there were zero negative reviews or comments on the translations. They did a great job. They were able to do books in the 75-100K word range in about three months time. They were doing my MSF, but if you had a different genre, YMMV.

Please email me at davidvandykeauthor at gmail dot com and I will provide their contact info if you are interested.

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Thorvald Meyers

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Re: Anyone need translations into German?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2023, 09:39:37 PM »
Hmm. Your email address bounced... "No Such User" error.

I'd love to talk with them and ask for a couple of short story translations before committing to translating a trilogy (which is very much still in progress).
I copied and pasted the email address as you wrote it, then swapped out the appropriate bits...

Is there a missing letter or something?