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Bot Discussion Public / Re: Writer out to stop the 'bot' drivel
« Last post by writeway on June 19, 2024, 06:00:27 PM »
I got a lot to say about this and this isn't personal or a response to anyone here. So don't take it personal. This is a gripe I have with the AI-haters who are being straight a-holes right now and getting worse.

:icon_rofl: So, this author wants to make Amazon get rid of AI books?


Let's see the reasons that ain't happening:

1. Amazon has had Polly (its own AI for years).
2. Amazon just started an AI-audio book feature they'll be rolling out to everyone soon.
3. Amazon has a checkbox when you publish to "not discourage AI" but to inform them you use it. This is for their own purposes, not because they
really care if you use AI.
4. Amazon just bought the generative AI company Anthropic. Yes, OpenAI's rival. Anthropic provides Claude (a popular AI for writers). Does this sound like
Amazon is against AI to you (general you)?

Hmm, Amazon wasting its time to get rid of AI books in the store? Hmm, I seriously doubt it. Also, how would they do this? People keep acting like you can easily tell what is AI. Uh, no. Thing about AI tools are incredibly sophisticated now and there are tons of them. Genuine authors who use AI (well you can't even tell) so good luck trying to get rid of the AI books. There are popular authors in the Top 100 now using AI. I know of a six-figure big time romance author (NYT bestselling indie) who has been straightforward about her now using AI. She uses the AI audio too. Hugely-popular and bestselling authors like Joanna Penn (yes, that Joanna Penn), Elizabeth Ann West, and Elana Johnson, use AI. Readers are still snatching up their books by the truckload. Readers DON'T CARE. And who would Amazon send to sniff out these books IF they wanted to?

Oh, I know, their BOTS!  :icon_rofl: :roll:

Yeah, this author and anyone who thinks Amazon cares about authors using AI obviously don't know diddly about Amazon and need to read the room. I just named reasons why it ain't happening.

My advice, is instead of all these authors panicking and worrying about stuff they can't control, why don't they focus on their own work? A lot of this AI-bashing seems to come from authors who aren't selling anyway and wanna find an excuse as to why.

We've seen this a million times before.

Authors who don't sell well always have a boogeyman or excuse as to why they are not selling:

1. Free books
2. KU
3. Authors who price at a discount
4. Ghostwriters
5. Authors who write fast and can publish several times a month
6. Group pen names
7. Accusing better-selling authors of doing nefarious things when they aren't. (She must be doing something wrong with the way she is selling)
8. Readers are too dumb to recognize their brilliance
9. Readers only want crap, not good books like the ones the low-sellers write.
10. Authors who write to market are dumbing down the world with their bestselling trash

I mean, it's the same old song. It's always someone else's fault or some outside reason (other than the books aren't good or the author just can't cut it) for them not selling. If you (general you) think some of these authors genuinely care about AI hurting authors, you're mistaken. Many of these are the same old gripers who spend their time blaming others for their failures instead of working harder to improve. Maybe if they focused more on their own business, they'd be selling better. Or do they think that if Amazon got rid of all the AI books THEY'D be selling better? I highly doubt it. Some of these people have never sold well and have spent their whole careers griping about stuff other authors do. I see behind the mask.

If people are so against AI books being on Amazon, then they can leave because it's obvious the books aren't going anywhere.

Wasted energy and taking out all the AI books or anything won't make the low-sellers sell any better.

Look, it's fine not to like AI but it's going overboard with this bullying and threatening the AI-haters do. It's one thing to not agree with something but another thing to threaten fellow authors and try to ruin their careers just because you don't agree with something. That's the issue that makes no sense. The bottom line is people can use what they want whether we agree or not.

And good luck if any no-name, no-selling, powerless author think they can get a multi-billion dollar company like Amazon to listen to them. Amazon cares about money. Period. They do not care who doesn't or does agree with AI. Amazon has been using AI since it started. Hell, Amazon was built on AI! The whole freaking store is AI from top to bottom. Go find me a human at Amazon right now and I'll give you a thousand bucks. It's fine, I'll wait. Know why? Because you won't find one. You know those CS reps with the Indian names who answer the chat boxes at Amazon are bots, right? Yeah, a lot of people don't know that. Amazon programs the English to be broken on purpose so you think it's a real person. But no, the only time you get a real rep is after you go through hoops talking to the first one and they need to refer you to another department, but those "people" who answer the chat and those "people" who email you back when you contact KDP? Their all bots. Every one of them. Why do you think they are so dumb and never know anything or several "people" will give you eight different answers? And do you notice when you chat with Amazon that the agent always pops up immediately and you never have to wait? Bots. When I do chat with other businesses who use real people I always have to wait at least a few minutes for an agent. And this is the company people expect to get rid of AI? How you think Amazon got to be so powerful while Jeff was running things so cheaply in the beginning? Bots and algorithms... AI!
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by LilyBLily on June 18, 2024, 07:57:51 AM »
Unfortunately, that article is about a man who had a lasting and adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine, not to Covid itself. When there's no known remedy for a medical problem, people do seek alternatives. Maybe sometimes they work. Maybe not.

Reactions to vaccines do vary. I've cruised through numerous shots without anything more than a slightly sore arm, but people I know have had chills and even fevers for a day or two in reaction. None of us knows, I suppose, if we're likely to have an adverse reaction to a specific vaccine. Faced with the very real threat of death from Covid, many of us were willing to take the risk on a quickly created vaccine. And most of us did fine with it, thank goodness.
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by Vijaya on June 18, 2024, 03:31:20 AM »
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by LilyBLily on June 02, 2024, 05:58:27 AM »
We are outliers still wearing masks to all indoor venues. It feels weird, but it also feels normal, and only one or two people have ever asked me a question about it. I assume they think I am immunocompromised--and they're right, since I can pick up a cold from just being breathed on, and did notably during one trip abroad. That was so not fun.

We're going to wear our masks in the airport and on the plane to Europe this summer, too, although I probably will take mine off sometime during the flight. I hate those hellish redye flights to Europe. Even in first class, which in the past sometimes we paid for with frequent flyer miles, they're still horrible experiences. And being sleep-deprived has been a sure way for me to get sick. I'll probably end up having to stay for another week or two in expensive isolation somewhere.

Unfortunately, the urgency of any long Covid research isn't great as compared to the resources marshaled to find a basic Covid vaccine. Yet for a writer, the thought of dying is probably less horrible than the thought of being alive yet unable to write. I believe that's the basic reason Hemmingway killed himself.
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on May 31, 2024, 02:07:55 AM »
I am so sorry that some of you have this dreadful long covid. It must be very depressing knowing there is no real cure. :icon_cry:

We are now experiencing a bad flu strain and swine flu. Have a couple of friends ended up in hospital and one with swine flu and double pneumonia. Now I make sure to use sanitiser when shopping, but haven't gone back to masks yet.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: Writer out to stop the 'bot' drivel
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on May 14, 2024, 05:44:20 AM »
Good luck to this idea!  I use this self-certification for the fun of it on my space opera:  "Guaranteed written & produced by an actual organic free-range human being, not a robot or AI or other devilish mechanical."  But "NO-OI" is neater.

 :clap: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:
Bot Discussion Public / Re: Writer out to stop the 'bot' drivel
« Last post by Hopscotch on May 13, 2024, 06:14:24 AM »
Good luck to this idea!  I use this self-certification for the fun of it on my space opera:  "Guaranteed written & produced by an actual organic free-range human being, not a robot or AI or other devilish mechanical."  But "NO-OI" is neater.
Bot Discussion Public / Writer out to stop the 'bot' drivel
« Last post by Jan Hurst-Nicholson on May 13, 2024, 04:27:54 AM »
Sorry if I'm repeating something posted elsewhere, but this article was in the International Express. Perhaps Amazon will also provide a stamp, but I can't see how they can police it  :confused:
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by LilyBLily on April 16, 2024, 01:05:04 PM »
The weird thing is how many of the few remaining people wearing masks aren't wearing good ones or aren't wearing their masks correctly. If it doesn't cover your nose, it isn't protecting you.

I do hope they figure out long Covid soon. It's quite the bogeyman. 
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by TimothyEllis on April 13, 2024, 07:42:50 PM »
I'm still wearing a mask indoors in public places--often the only one doing so. But it was nice not to get a cold this winter, and sticking out like a sore thumb is not new for me.

I still do the same. I've not had any sort of cold or flu since Jan 2020.

I'm usually not the only one, but there's very few here still wearing masks. But enough that you always see someone.
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