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TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on November 20, 2023, 10:07:44 AM »
I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

I tried several times to get into this and just couldn't. I've heard from quite a few folks that it's very good. Perhaps it's just me.  :shrug

It's not just you.  I watched the first season, and it was certainly cool in the early going, but for whatever reason my interested simply dwindled as it went on, and I just wasn't interested in continuing on.   :confused:
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by PJ Post on November 20, 2023, 07:02:45 AM »
I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

I tried several times to get into this and just couldn't. I've heard from quite a few folks that it's very good. Perhaps it's just me.  :shrug
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Anarchist on November 19, 2023, 10:46:51 AM »
I mostly like SF...

I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by She-la-te-da on November 19, 2023, 04:56:47 AM »
The Fall

I started to watch this one, but I had bad Internet at the time. I'll probably try again.

I just finished Space: 1999. Not too bad, a bit campy with all those special effects. I've watched some ReGenesis, a bit of Colony, and now looking for something else. I mostly like SF, not that interested in soaps or similar things. I've watched some Brit, UK and Canada shows, and I think one Australian, so I'm not totally against seeing other cultures, but I only speak English. :)
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on November 15, 2023, 12:09:33 AM »
Just finished another reread of Clotaire Rapaille's The Culture Code trying to figure out how to apply his theories to selling my books!
Ah! If you develop any new insights, please let us know.
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by Hopscotch on November 14, 2023, 09:55:04 PM »
Just finished another reread of Clotaire Rapaille's The Culture Code trying to figure out how to apply his theories to selling my books!
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on November 14, 2023, 06:59:15 AM »
That's more reading than I usually get to in two weeks. But reading is also an important part of the writing process.
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by LilyBLily on November 14, 2023, 05:51:30 AM »
Let me inject a dose of frivolity into this worthy thread. Books read in the past two weeks: Pru Warren's History's Muse, a contemporary romance that incidentally and amusingly bashes Mormons; Mary Lancaster's Petteril's Ladybird, a Regency murder mystery that's the third in a series featuring a reclaimed street urchin; Christina Dudley's Minta in Spite of Herself, part of another Regency series that takes place nowhere near London and features a tomboy out to rescue her best friend from a fortune hunter; Emma Melbourne's Miss Fleming Falls in Love, another Regency, one that Amazon pushed at me at least a dozen times but turned out to be worth reading for the dry wit and the absurd minor characters; Lynn Messina's A Murderous Tryst, the latest in the Regency series in which a spinster-now-duchess solves crimes and frets over her marriage to a delightful man; and Jessie Clever's The Duke Always Wins, another Regency (yes, sensing a theme here) about two people who intelligently grope their way toward love despite the pain of the past. I also read seven other Regencies during this same time period, but they were not sufficiently noteworthy to be listed here. I'm also in the middle of a collection of time travel stories, in which the very British characters call each other "Darling" at the drop of a hat. It's a word that is used much more sparingly in the U.S. As Mies Van Der Rohe said, "Less is more."

Did I get anything else done during this same length of time? Short answer: yes. Long answer: probably should stop reading and spend the same amount of time on marketing and/or writing more.
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by APP on November 14, 2023, 05:17:19 AM »
When I have an author I like, I buy their books, however I don’t always get around to reading them immediately (I have lots of books in my queue). Anyway, I bought Marina Finlayson’s the Twiceborn Trilogy (The Proving, book 1, 2, 3) a few years ago, but I just got around to reading them, finishing book 3 a few days ago. The trilogy was excellent!
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by elleoco on November 14, 2023, 03:31:18 AM »
I just finished The Wager, A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann. It's not my usual kind of thing, but was recommended by a cousin who did make it sound interesting, and it was. The Wager was one of a fleet of British ships that set out in 1740 with the goal of sailing around the Horn, up the west coast of the Americas and taking and looting a Spanish galleon (one of the ships that didn't wreck succeeded at that in the end). The Wager didn't make it, and some of the crew only made it back to England years later and rather miraculously.

Since I told cousin the last book he wanted me to read was too depressing and no thanks, I felt kind of obliged to try this one even though it's not my usual thing. I like reading about history, but early 1700s and seafaring isn't my usual choice. However, this did catch my interest in several ways. Next cousin recommends Killers of the Flower Moon, which is by the same author, but that's another no thanks. I already know that story well enough and don't need hundreds of pages of that miserable tale.

Before that was The Longmire Defense by Craig Johnson, which is more my normal kind of reading. I thought Johnson jumped the shark a couple books ago and demoted him to the don't buy, get from library list, but he's finally kind of back to what made it a good series to start with.
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