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Forum Announcements [Public] / Re: Member cull
« Last post by alhawke on April 13, 2024, 12:20:24 AM »
I used to lurk before posting on sites for a while. New writers can be bashful. But if you're able to see them not logging on, I'd think a year of not logging on is uninterested enough. Can they still re-join?
I'm thinking about a more pro-active delete if not logged in the first time within a day policy.

I'd give a week or two. I've been known to sign up for things but not get around to doing much with them initially.

Whatever policy you've had for spammers, it's working. That sure has decreased here since a year ago.
Forum Announcements [Public] / Re: Member cull
« Last post by TimothyEllis on April 12, 2024, 11:54:33 PM »
You don't need to be logged in to lurk, even though you can only lurk on 1/3 of the site. Some people are just shy, though I suppose the very shy wouldn't bother to register.

Yeah. People don't need to register to read the public stuff. You do that to read the private stuff and opt in.
Forum Announcements [Public] / Re: Member cull
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on April 12, 2024, 11:52:39 PM »
You don't need to be logged in to lurk, even though you can only lurk on 1/3 of the site. Some people are just shy, though I suppose the very shy wouldn't bother to register.
Forum Announcements [Public] / Re: Member cull
« Last post by TimothyEllis on April 12, 2024, 11:47:36 PM »
Good riddance. However, I'd give a new member a grace period to get acclimated before deleting them. A day is hardly sufficient time to browse through the posts, etc. Maybe a month? Newbies can be shy.


But they only see about 1/3 the site without logging in. Logging in gets them the rest.

Hardly any point to registering and never logging in. You're still a guest that way.
Forum Announcements [Public] / Re: Member cull
« Last post by Vijaya on April 12, 2024, 11:42:27 PM »
Good riddance. However, I'd give a new member a grace period to get acclimated before deleting them. A day is hardly sufficient time to browse through the posts, etc. Maybe a month? Newbies can be shy.
Forum Announcements [Public] / Member cull
« Last post by TimothyEllis on April 12, 2024, 04:38:23 PM »
I've just done a cull of the member list, deleting any member who never posted, and last logged in before about 400 days ago.

Some 900 odd gone.

But I think most of them were spammers who gave up trying here.

Or people who had a look, and then never came back.

Spammer activity is major at the moment, and it's had me looking at the list, since half of them register, but don't log in for a month or so.

I'm thinking about a more pro-active delete if not logged in the first time within a day policy.

I'd be content with a service that a good method of detecting actually dangerous content, like virus masquerading as attachments. I can handle the rest myself.

I probably delete about 80% of what i get. Maybe more. But I'd like to make the choice myself. As I'm fond of saying, "The best spam filter in the world is the delete key."
Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail all routinely spam block without telling people they're doing it

That's why I don't use them.

They decide who gets what email. Even when most of the time they let the spam though, and block legitimate stuff.

FWIW, Yahoo mail has been problematic since the late 90s.  Way back when, probably nine times out of ten if someone had a problem receiving eMails, they were using Yahoo mail.

Of course, from the late 90s to maybe 2010 or so, people still had fax machines and used telephones, so if an eMail didn't go through, you could send a fax instead.  Nowadays, that's not so much of an option.  But Yahoo is still Yahoo . . .
Yahoo (don't judge) threw the March 1 email into spam. But it apparently threw  the Feb. 9 one into spam, too. I don't check Yahoo often.

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