Not long ago, I finished School Spirits (on Netflix, though it was produced by Paramount and aired on Paramount+)
As a former high school teacher, I do find school-centered stories hard to resist. In this series, a high school girl dies and finds herself trapped in the high school, together with other students and one teacher who have died there over the years. She tries to figure out who killed her. But meanwhile, her fellow spirits may have secrets, and the key to moving on to the afterlife may be different from what they believe it is.
I'm currently working on Wynona Earp, the fantasy series based on Wyatt Earp's great granddaughter, Wynona and Waverly. Wynona in particular has a mission to send the revenants (bad guys Wyatt killed) back to Hell by shooting them with his old gun. She is sometimes assisted by Doc Halliday, who has apparently sold his soul to the devil for eternal life (though perhaps there is more to that than meets the eye).